Two-year-old girl survives the 12th floor fall with the help of an unexpected hero – world


A messenger from Vietnam is being considered a national hero, having managed to save a two-year-old girl who had fallen from the 12th floor of a 16-story building in Hanoi, Vietnam.

The messenger, Nguyen Ngoc Manh, saw a two-year-old girl hanging on the porch as soon as he arrived with a package for one of the residents who lived there. “I was sitting in the car waiting to deliver orders to a customer in the opposite building and I heard a baby cry,” the courier said, quoted by Vietnam Times, adding that he heard someone yelling for help and when he looked around, he saw a girl on the porch. Nguyen Ngoc Manh managed to climb onto a floor of the building and tried to reach out to grab the girl, doing his best to save her. “Fortunately, the girl fell onto my lap and we fell on a metal roof. I hugged her hastily and saw blood coming out of her mouth, I was very scared, ”recalls Manh.

Later, the girl was transferred to a nearby hospital and the messenger only suffered a slight sprain. According to the initial updates that the Vietnam Times released, the girl has a broken arm and leg, but is stable.
