Trump abandons conference of printing press discussão com American journalist of Chinese origin | Coronavirus


The North American President, Donald Trump, left at Casa Branca’s second-day press conference to suggest to a journalist of Chinese origin that he would address China to his question about the realization of tests in the United States. United.

Weijia Jiang, a North American reporter from the CBS television channel born in China and who emigrated to the United States as six countries two years ago, asked Trump about his insistence on welcoming or number of tests carried out in a country.

“It refers many times that the United States is going to do a very hard work, that any other country does not say that I respect the tests,” he told journalist. “Why does that matter?”, I asked. “Why is it that this is a global competition for you, when every day do Americans continue to lose their lives and continue to have three cases with each passing day?”

Na resposta, or North American President said that “it has caused you to lose your lives in all or the world.”

“Maybe it should turn out that question to China,” suggested Trump to journalist. “Don’t ask me, ask China. When he fizes that question, perhaps he will take a reply that he invokes. “

Next, or North American President, appoints a journalist who was behind Weijia Jiang, a CNN correspondent Kaitlan Collins, asking him to make another question. But to the reporter from CBS, he reacted: “Why am I asking that question of mine, specifically, about China?”

“I am not specifically going to say, yes, I say-or to anybody who has a disagreeable question,” replied the North American President.

To see that the correspondent of CNN would allow Weijia Jiang to make a second question before taking his own word, Donald Trump refused to respond to Kaitlan Collins and passed on to the daily newspaper, Yamiche Alcindor, from the public channel PBS.

Donald Trump ended the press conference and left the gardens of Casa Branca when journalist Yamiche Alcindor also wanted to wait for his colleague from CNN to make a question.

Later in the afternoon, via Twitter, Weijia Jiang thanked and praised or behaved her colleagues.

It is not the first time that the North American President stars in moments of tension with Weijia Jiang and Kaitlan Collins in the press conferences at Casa Branca about the response of two USA to the pandemic of covid-19.

Em Abril, Trump disse CJ journalist for “falar mais baixo” not following a question about the initial response of Casa Branca to the pandemic. E, numa outra conferência de imprensa, or North American President disseminated to CNN to stop failing with the accusing or channel of transmitting false information.

Also in April, Casa Branca tried to force the CNN journalist to sit down several rows behind the place attributed to the printing conferences – an exclusive competition of the Associação de Correspondentes da Casa Branca e não da Administração norte-americana.

But to recourse to the journalist with the idea of ​​being feita, to what I have said that at the instruction of two Secret Services, Casa Branca deixou fell to ideia and Kaitlan Collins maintains or its place in press conferences.
