THE BALL – «Only I can beat whoever is» (Benfica)


Rui Gomes da Silva believes that the choice of Benfica’s partners in the elections “will be very easy.”

“On the one hand, the inconsistency or the unknown”, in reference to Luís Filipe Vieira and Noronha Lopes, respectively.

On the other, me. [Serei] a president with a past, a history, always defending the same ideas, writing them for 30 years and with a coherent speech, a president who has and wants a future for Benfica, who knows the world of football better than anyone because of the positions he held, without problems with lawsuits, they have the capacity and clean hands to defend Benfica from everything and everyone in these cases, “argued the former vice president and candidate.

He continued: “The partners have to be sure that they are electing a president who, the day after the election, does not have to respond to the interests that supported him, who will never yield to the interests of Olivedesportos, Gestifute or the large construction companies. I am the only candidate who has no interests. Only I can win whoever is there. I am the only one who can exercise [a presidência] free of interest ».
