Swedish city uses chicken droppings to avoid crowds on party night


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The city of Lund, Sweden, has taken an unusual step to ensure that the population does not congregate on St. Valburg’s Night, a traditional festival celebrated throughout Scandinavia.

According to the magazine NewsweekThousands of people often visit the Swedish city to celebrate the Santa Valburga night. But this year, due to the covid-19 pandemic, authorities want to avoid the meetings, so they decided to spread chicken feces in their central park.

“Given that we have a scenario where Lund could become a kind of epicenter for the spread of the infection in late April, I think, as chairman of the Environment Committee, this was a good initiative,” he said. Gustav Lundblad to the swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan.

“We have the opportunity to fertilize the lawns of the park and, at the same time, as it smells pretty badThat means it may not be so good to be sitting there drinking beer, “he adds.

“I am not a fertilizer specialist, but from what I understand it is clear that it can also smell bad outside the park. But the main objective is to keep people away from the park, so I cannot guarantee that it will not smell in the rest of the city, ”he said.

Unlike most European countries, Sweden opted for a more “relaxed” approach to covid-19, relying on the civic sense of its citizens and, therefore, in places like schools, restaurants and shops. remained open.

According to Johns Hopkins University, the country currently has more than 20,000 confirmed cases of infection and more than 2,400 deaths.
