Seven ways to kill the new coronavirus and end the pandemic


The new coronavirus, also know as SARSCoV-2, is associated with human cells. A infection It occurs when it interacts with the ACE2 protein, commonly found in the lungs and small intestine, explains WIRED magazine.

Scientists believe that preventing this connection between the virus and the cell is essential to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Fortunately, there are already certain methods that have been shown to be effective in inhibiting this behavior. SARSCoV-2 and others that are still being studied.

Here, according to Medical Daily, seven preventive methods with the potential to inactivate the virus

The vaccine

The first option is to develop a vaccine. This option would be able to provide long-term immunity and is the most effective in blocking the spread of any infection viral

Plasma therapy

Another method with the potential to kill the new one coronavirus involves the use of blood plasma from people who have recovered from Covid-19. Inject this plasma in individuals recently infected or at risk must provide their organisms with antibodies capable of blocking the new coronavirus.

Synthetic molecules

If the methods formulated to prevent the entry of the new coronavirus cells fail, some scientists suggest sending “lures‘or synthetic molecules that resemble ACE2 could help stop the Covid-19. In this way, the molecules could ‘trick’ the virus into associating with these substtonces instead of protein, which in turn would leave the lungs safe.

Change the natural process

Viruses cause infections especially when they ‘hijack’ the host cell and replicate it from the inside out. As such, scientists believe that changing the way the host cell operates could confuse the invading virus and prevent it from damaging healthy cells.

Some studies stream They are focusing their research on the analysis of medications that already exist. These medications have been shown to be effective in causing changes in cells that are intended to protect the body.

Phosphate chloroquine

The drug was originally formulated to treat malaria by changing the pH level of human cells. This medicine reduces cells acid and less receptive to the new coronavirus.

Protease inhibitors

This class of drugs that helps control diseases such as HIV and hepatitis C, works by reducing the presence of proteases (enzymes that break down proteins into amino acids) and therefore decrease the chances of SARSCoV-2 if replicated.

Remdesivir and Favipiravir

These drugs pharmacological attack the enzyme called polymerase, which allows the virus to replicate its genetic material within the host cell. The remive was designed to combat Ebola, Meanwhile he favipiravir It is used by doctors against the common flu.

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