Sérgio Conceição on Pinto da Costa: ″ The president has the sensitivity to understand … ″


Bruno F. Monteiro


The FC Porto coach, on the “Primeira Pessoa” program, with Fátima Campos Ferreira, talks about the president and the moments that follow the games, already on the bus.

Pinto da Costa: “I saw Pinto da Costa for the first time in a youth match. In my early career as a player, I remember that the presence of the president was enough, not to mention, to realize that we had to change something. We had the peculiarity of knowing him well. , his charisma and his way of being. He is a very respected person, not only in the club and in our city, but also in football, because he is the most titled in the world. “

Pinto da Costa glares: “[risos] He is much stronger than me in that sense. When I lose I don’t look at anyone. I go home and take refuge at home. On the bus. The president has the sensitivity to understand when it is necessary to go with the team on the bus or with the driver in his private car … ”.

Throw the towel on the floor: “No. Available space? He is always available to the president. As he hired me, the day he wants me to leave, that contract is broken at that time and you don’t have to pay more for it.”

To be president of FC Porto: “[risos] I’m not very futuristic. I am so concerned about giving my best every day, looking at what I have to do today, what I have to do the next day, organizing work well, and it’s not a little, I don’t think much in the medium or long term. “
