Rain, cold, wind and snow for Braga and Viana: Civil Protection launches alert


The National Emergency and Civil Protection Authority (ANEPC) today issued a warning to the population due to rainfall, snow and the increase in maritime disturbances, recommending that the population take preventive measures such as adopting “defensive driving.”

In the notice to the population, ANEPC warns of the possibility of slippery roads due to possible accumulation of ice, snow and the formation of water tables and the possibility of rapid flooding in urban areas, due to accumulation of rainwater or insufficient drainage systems. .

Taking into account the predictions of the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA), Civil Protection warns of the possibility of floods due to “overflowing of water lines in historically more vulnerable areas” and “underground urban structures with drainage deficiencies”. .

“There is also the possibility of branches or trees falling due to the strong wind, as well as the impact of infrastructures associated with communications and energy networks, and accidents on the coastline,” he stresses, also warning of the “increase in thermal discomfort in the population, especially due to the combination of low minimum temperature and intense wind ”.

The IPMA foresees for today periods of rain in the Miño during the morning, extending towards the north and center from the afternoon, with the possibility of snowfalls above 1,400 / 1,600 meters (Serra da Estela), temporarily above 1,000 / 1,200 meters in the northern region (Serra da Peneda Gerês), with accumulations of up to five centimeters in height above 1,600 meters.

The west quadrant wind will blow moderate to strong (up to 50 km / h) from the afternoon on the west coast, with gusts of up to 70 km / h north of Cabo Carvoeiro, and in the northern and central highlands, with gusts of up to 90 km / h.

The forecasts also point to the possibility of rains with frosts near the ground above 700/900 meters of altitude, especially in the Northeast Transmontane and for cold weather, with persistence of minimum values ​​of low temperature, due to night cooling, there is the possibility of icing or frost during the night, especially indoors.

For Monday, forecasts point to the continuation of cold weather, with the possibility of icing or frost during the night, especially in the interior, and an increase in the agitation of the sea on the west coast with waves from northwest to north from Cabo Raso. 5 to 7 meters (12 to 14 meters high), south of Cabo Raso with northwest waves up to 4 meters high, especially on the 28th and 29th.

Given the expected meteorological situation, Civil Protection calls on the population to adopt “defensive driving, reducing speed and taking special care with the possible formation of layers of water and ice on the roads.”

It also asks the population not to cross flooded areas, in order to avoid dragging people or vehicles to open holes in the pavement or sewer boxes, and avoid driving on roads affected by the accumulation of snow.

On roads affected by snow accumulation, ANEPC advises against traveling with children, the elderly or people with special needs and, with regard to the sea, not practicing water sports and walks by the sea, also avoiding vehicle parking on the seafront. and sport fishing.
