PSP issues statement on the use of pyrotechnic articles and the lack of social distance in the Minho derby


The District Command of the PSP de Braga issued a statement revealing that it issued six administrative offenses that occurred yesterday, before the start of the match between Vitória and Sporting de Braga.

The PSP indicates that “several supporters and sympathizers of Vitória, who were outside the compound, lit various pyrotechnic articles, and the Public Security Police immediately intervened to prevent this practice.”

That police force adds that “also given the current pandemic situation experienced, and given that some groups of sympathizers did not observe the rules of social distancing, joining groups of more than five people, the PSP also had to approach several citizens to ensure compliance with these standards “.

The PSP alerts “fans and supporters of the clubs of the absolute need to maintain strict compliance with the protection measures of COVID-19, even in a sports context, that is, maintain physical distance, avoid meetings of more than five people and permanently wear the correctly fitted protective mask. These behaviors are essential to minimize the risk of viral spread in the context of sporting events, a fundamental element so that the public can return to the interior of sports facilities “

Also according to the PSP, six administrative offenses were raised.


Tags: PSP

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