Pope: in the face of protests, ecclesial communities called to work for dialogue and reconciliation


The protests in various parts of the world received the attention of the Pontiff at the Angelus this Sunday, who asked the ecclesial communities to always work for dialogue and reconciliation. Francisco also expressed proximity to

Vatican News

Always attentive to events around the world, Pope Francis, after the prayer of the Angelus, makes some appeals, drawing attention to some events in particular, starting with the fire in a migrant camp on the Greek island of Lesbos:

In recent days, a series of fires has devastated the Moria refugee camp on the island of Lesbos, leaving thousands of people homeless, albeit precarious. My visit is always alive in my memory and the appeal launched with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartolomeu and Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens, to guarantee “a humane and dignified welcome to migrant women and men, refugees and asylum seekers in Europe” [16 de abril de 2016]. I express solidarity and closeness to all the victims of these dramatic events.

The Pontiff’s thought then turned to so many demonstrations in so many parts of the world, asking them to be peaceful, for government officials to listen to the just demands and for the ecclesial communities of these countries to work for peace and reconciliation:

Furthermore, in recent weeks, there have been numerous popular protests around the world, in many parts of the world, expressing the growing malaise of civil society in the face of particularly critical political and social situations. While I urge protesters to present their concerns peacefully, without yielding to the temptation of aggression and violence, I call on all those with public and governmental responsibilities to listen to the voice of their fellow citizens and accept their just aspirations, ensuring full respect. human rights and civil liberties. Lastly, I invite the ecclesial communities that live in these contexts, under the guidance of their pastors, to work in favor of dialogue, always in favor of dialogue and in favor of reconciliation, we speak of forgiveness, of reconciliation.

In the end, Francis addressed a private greeting to the cyclists with Parkinson’s disease, who traveled along the Via Francigena de Pavia towards Rome, to the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows in Monte Castello di Vibio and to the members of the Laudato Si community, received in audience on Saturday in the Paul VI Room: “Thank you for what you do and thank you for yesterday’s meeting here, with Carlìn Petrini and all the leaders who are going forward in this fight for the custody of creation.”

Angelus of September 13
