Pharmacist dies after trying drug designed to cure Covid-19


A pharmacist died and his boss was hospitalized after drinking a syrup made by them, which he hoped to cure the disease. Covid-19authorities reported this Saturday.

The two men worked for a company specializing in medicinal herbs (study of the medicinal effects of plants) and tested the alleged treatment, a mixture of nitric oxide and sodium nitrate, in a house in Chennai, southeast India.

K. Sivanesan, 47, died at his home and his boss was rushed to the hospital in an emergency, according to local police chief Ashok Kumar.

Sivanesan developed its formula by researching the Internet and buying the ingredients from a local market, according to authorities.

Currently, there is no medicine or vaccine for Covid-19, which has led to a worldwide race to find a cure for this disease that has already killed nearly 300,000 people.

In India, around 60,000 cases of contamination have already been identified, and the government has imposed severe measures to contain the new coronavirus.

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the Covid-19 pandemic has already caused more than 274 thousand dead and infected more than 3.9 million people 195 countries and territories.

More than 1.2 million patients were considered cured.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December in Wuhan, a city in central China.

To combat the pandemic, governments sent 4.5 billion people home (more than half the world’s population), ended non-essential trade and dramatically reduced air traffic, paralyzing entire sectors of the world economy.

With a decline in new patients in intensive care and contagion, several countries have begun to develop plans to reduce confinement and, in some cases, to alleviate various measures.
