“Peaceful transition” in the United States? Pompeo says yes, but for Trump’s second term: Observer


United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo refuses to acknowledge Democrat Joe Biden’s victory in the US presidential elections, and this Tuesday he promised a “peaceful transition” to a second term for current President Donald Trump.

“We will count all the votes”Pompeo said during a press conference, assuring that leaders from around the world are aware that it is a “legal process” that “takes time”, referring to the vote counts and complaints from Republicans. election results in various states.

“The world must have full confidence that the transition necessary for the State Department to be effectively operational today and effectively operational for the president who will take office on the afternoon of January 20 will be a successful transition,” said the head of Diplomacy. American.

Pompeo demonstrated his in line with the position of Donald Trump, who has used his personal account on the social network Twitter to say that he won the election and that the candidacy of Joe Biden and the Democrats are improperly trying to claim victory, using “electoral fraud.”

UNITED STATES. The director of the Electoral Crimes Section has resigned: he opposes investigations for alleged electoral fraud

“This department is fully committed to ensuring that elections around the world are safe, free and fair. My agents are risking their lives to make sure this is also the case, “Pompeo insisted, saying it was” ridiculous “to assume that Donald Trump’s position is undermining those efforts.

Several leaders of countries allied to the United States, such as France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and even Israel, have already welcomed Joe Biden for their election.

However the Outgoing Republican President Still Refusing to Acknowledge Defeat and he agrees to fight in the courts to have the results reversed, alleging that there was electoral fraud, although he does not present evidence of this accusation.

In the Republican field, only a few moderate senators acknowledge the Democrat’s victory, many others side with Donald Trump, and still others simply assume that the process needs to come to an end, after the vote counts and decisions judicial still suspended.

Republican Party and White House divided over Trump’s refusal to concede defeat
