One year after the start of the pandemic, Antarctica has cases of covid-19


Almost a year after China recorded the first cases of the new coronavirus, an outbreak of covid-19 was detected at a military base in Antarctica, the only continent that has not yet been affected by the pandemic.

“36 men tested positive for the new coronavirus, 26 of whom were soldiers and ten civilians from a service company that carried out scheduled maintenance work” at the Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme base in Antarctica, the Chilean army revealed on Monday. in a sentence.

The contagion occurred after the recent visit to the base of that ship in the Chilean Navy “Sargento Aldea”, which carried out logistical support maneuvers between November 27 and December 10, reports the AFP agency.

After completing its mission and arriving at the port of Talcahuano, in southern Chile, on December 16, three positive cases of covid-19 were detected on that ship in a total of 208 crew members.

Until then, Antarctica was one of the few regions in the world where cases of the new coronavirus had not been registered, after the restrictions adopted and the cancellation of tourist trips.

All non-essential personnel have been withdrawn since the beginning of the pandemic and all contact between the personnel of the approximately 40 international military and scientific bases installed there has also been prohibited.
