Official: Vettel deixa to Ferrari not final of the season – Formula 1


Alemão chegou à ‘Scuderia’ em 2015 e foi duas vezes vice-world champion

Sebastian Vettel was going to leave Ferrari at the end of the season, announced this season to ‘Scuderia’ in an official statement. The 32-year-old German pilot was at the end of the contract with the Italian team, where he had been since 2015, and the negotiations were not carried out, opening as well as the most appealing of Formula 1 and the question that he did not know. : what will be Charles Leclerc’s ‘parceiro’ in 2021?

“It was a decision taken together that both parties considered to be melhor. It was not easy, given or value of Sebastian as a pilot and as a person,” explains Mattia Binotto, team chief of Ferrari, in a note published on no official site, revealing uma “crença comum e amigável de que tinha chegado a la hora de se caminhos separated” and thanking or “great professionalism and human qualities” for the last five years in Germany.

Our Vettel period won 14 bullfights, rampant caval, foi duas vice-world championship (2017 and 2018) and still ranked 3rd in 2015. “We did not manage to conquer a world, which would be fifth for him, but we can prove that we can still throw much profit this incomum 2020 season, “says Binotto.

On the same note, Vettel guarantees that financial backing is not a decision and he says that he still does not know or what will be or what will happen in the future. “In order to obtain the best results, you can take advantage of this vital sport that the parties have perfected in harmony. Or that it is going to happen in the last few months that we are going to reflect on what are the most important priorities in life and in our own time or time to reflect on it. future”

Remember that at the time it was started on March 15, in Austria, the first 10 bullfights were added or canceled due to a pandemic. The World Cup will have to start now, not in July, in Austria.

By André Antunes Pereira
