“Now the ball is on the side of European countries” | Elisa ferreira


The Portuguese commissioner, responsible for the Cohesion and Reforms portfolio, warns of the urgency of the final approval of the Recovery and Resilience Fund in the European Parliament and in national parliaments so that countries can quickly begin to combat the destructive effects of the pandemic. And it highlights the enormous differences between the European management of this crisis and the one it practiced in the previous crisis. The programs of the troika they have nothing to do with the Commission’s recommendations for national recovery programs. The financial means available are unmatched. And mistakes made ten years ago also help explain populist agendas. As for Europe as a whole, the pandemic has made it even more evident that it needs to guarantee its strategic autonomy vis-à-vis the other great poles of power in the world, if it does not want to be a battlefield for its geopolitical ambitions. PUBLIC interviewed Elisa Ferreira in Lisbon, where she came to participate in the conference “Acceleration of global changes and the impacts of the pandemic”, organized by the Clube de Lisboa.
