Nepal and China reached an agreement and Everest … will change altitude – Off the field


Countries recognized different measures. From Tuesday everything will be … the same

Everest is, today, the highest mountain in the world, but the figures for its height have never been agreed upon, especially between Nepal and China, something that will change from this Tuesday.

Speaking to EFE, Prakash Joshi, director general of the Department of Naval Studies, said that the two Asian countries had finally reached an agreement on the height of Kathmandu, a measure that will be announced on Tuesday. “Nepal and Chipa will jointly announce the new height of Everest tomorrow at noon, with the aim of putting an end to doubts about what exactly is the new height of the highest mountain in the world,” he said.

This will be the first time that the two countries reach an agreement on the altitude of the mountain, since the measurement carried out by India in 1955, and which is still internationally recognized, established the height at 8,848 meters, a measurement that was not recognized. by China, after the country’s Research and Cartography bureau declared in 2005 that the highest mountain in the world measured at least three meters … (8,844.43).

by Record


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