More than 243,000 deaths among approximately 3.4 million infected worldwide


The new coronavirus pandemic has caused at least 243,637 deaths worldwide since its appearance in China in December, according to a balance at 11:00 GMT today prepared by the France-Presse agency from official sources.

More than 3,441,540 cases of infection have been officially registered in 195 countries and territories since the pandemic began. This number of diagnosed cases reflects only a fraction of the actual number of infections, taking into account that a large number of countries test only those cases that require hospital treatment. Among these cases, at least 1,055,500 are considered cured.

The United States, which recorded its first coronavirus-related death in early February, is the most affected country, both in terms of number of deaths and cases, with 66,385 deaths in 1,133,069 cases. At least 175,382 people have been declared cured.

After the United States, the most affected countries are Italy with 28,710 deaths in 209,328 cases, the United Kingdom with 28,131 deaths (182,260 cases), Spain with 25,264 deaths (217,466 cases) and France with 24,760 deaths (168,396 cases).

China (excluding Hong Kong and Macao), where the epidemic started in late December, officially has 82,877 cases (two new in the past 24 hours), including 4,633 deaths (0 new) and 77,713 recoveries.

Europe totaled 11,000 TMG (plus one hour in Lisbon) 142,611 deaths in 1,535,203 cases, the United States and Canada 70,018 deaths (1,189,649), Latin America and the Caribbean 13,156 deaths (246,581 cases), Asia 9,061 deaths (237,852 cases), East Medium 6,929 deaths (181,730 cases), Africa 1,740 deaths (42,408 cases) and Oceania 122 deaths (8,125 cases).

This evaluation was based on data collected by AFP delegations from the competent national authorities and information from the World Health Organization (WHO).
