Mask and distance. The return to the classroom


Millions of children around the world returned to school this Tuesday with masks and various precautionary measures to prevent schools from becoming the focus of COVID-19.

In French schools, which today host 14.2 million students, the use of a mask is compulsory for teachers and students from the age of 11. In Greece, masks will be required from kindergarten.

In Spain, where the start of the school year will be held between September 4 and 15, depending on the region, children from the age of six must wear the mask at school at all times.

In Belgium, the Prime Minister, Sophie Wilmès, considered “essential that children can resume a normal school life or as normal as possible”, justifying the maintenance of the start of classes today.

A vision shared by the British government, for whom the benefits of going back to school this week in England and Wales outweigh the potential risks.
