Mariana was born at 04:33 and was the first baby of 2021 at the Hospital de Braga


The ten thousand trees already planted by the Braga City Council in the Monte do Picoto Forest Park are recovering the fauna of the region. To give him drink, a small pond is being built on one side of the hill.

“The lagoon, which will be next to the Homem project building, will have 340m2 being fed by a water collection system in winter and, if necessary, by an artesian well in the summer,” the councilor for Medio told O MINHO. Altino atmosphere. Bessa highlighting that “through a lake with life, that is, with amphibians, the recovery of local biodiversity will grow.”

The mayor said that, in recent times, several animals were seen that were absent from the site, such as birds of various species, foxes, rodents and many types of reptiles, including snakes, although not poisonous.

The increase in forest area allows the animals to circulate between Picoto and the Falperra, Sameiro and Bom Jesus mountains, also with strong forest patches. The same occurs with the East River, where after the decontamination process that was targeted, animals such as herons, otters and tamarins returned, as well as fish.

The Picoto Urban Forest Park, the mayor added, already has 10,000 native trees planted, a figure that is expected to grow to 15,000 in the coming years. Reforestation involves an investment of 195 thousand euros, of which 165 thousand come from a request to the Environment Fund.

Braga’s “Central Park” on the way. 200 trees and 600 shrubs will be planted

Trees of the region

Bessa points out that, in addition to planting typical trees of the region, such as chestnut, oak-oak, black oak and cork oak, in association with maple, holm oak, cherry, pear, strawberry tree and hawthorn, invasive species have been cut. like acacia and mimosa.

In the park, the actual size of which will be visible in a few years when the plants reach adulthood, which takes 30 years, trees have also been replanted, as some perish and do not grow.

A signaling system is being installed in the area to support a seven-kilometer network of pedestrian paths: “A sports initiative will be held soon.”

“This project rehabilitates the mountain, by planting species capable of capturing carbon, combining recreational and environmental aspects, and contributing to the municipal strategy of adaptation to climate change, making the area a small lung of the city,” he emphasizes. .

300 garbage trucks

In recent years, the Chamber has cleaned the channel and the banks of the Este River, a tributary of Ave, in the area upstream of the Grundig complex, in Ferreiros, having removed 300 garbage trucks: “the garbage was so much that, in some places, the bed sank 1.2 meters and in others a meter, ”said Altino Bessa, as previously reported by O MINHO.

In this way, fish and other animals began to circulate again in the river and today they are a constant presence, as evidenced by the collection work carried out by the photographer João Ferreira, in collaboration with the Autarquía.
