Incêndio deflagra em arranha-céus de 50 andares no Dubai


ORm incêndio of large dimensions deflagrou, during the afternoon this terrace-feira (3h40 local time) num building of 50 walks em Sharjah, not Dubai, we will advance the means of social communication.

According to Khaleej Times, as people who were not arranha-céus, located not Bairo Al NahdaThey were retired, as well as the residents of the five more buildings next to the prédio em chamas.

As chamas já foram controlled e or fogo found extinct.

Or Chefe da Polícia from Dubai, Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, he confirmed that in the sequence of the incident there were no registered victims. Ainda assim, a large number of damaged teraphy cars due to chamas that fell to a rua.

No local ainda estão tens of elements two bombeiros e de ambultonces.

OR Abbco Tower, second bet on CNN, é o maior residential building of the world.


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