“He is doing very well.” Doctors Treating Donald Trump Say President Is Recovering Well |


US President Donald Trump arrived Friday night by helicopter at Walter Reed Military Hospital in suburban Washington.

Today, the team of doctors responsible for his follow-up, led by his personal physician, Sean Conley, took stock of the situation at the hospital entrance, confirming that Trump is fine.

“This morning the president is recovering very well,” Conley said, emphasizing that Trump had just been hospitalized “as a precautionary measure to provide first-line monitoring and care as needed.”

Saying that he was very happy with the president’s progress, the doctor emphasized that Trump’s symptoms are improving and that he has not had a fever in the last 24 hours and has not needed oxygen. Conley, however, didn’t want to risk a discharge date for the president.

Trump has already undergone an experimental antibody treatment and is being given the drug remdesivir. Another physician accompanying the president, Sean N. Dooley, says the team is “closely monitoring him for any complications created by the coronavirus disease or the therapies he is being prescribed.”

Furthermore, the president of the United States “is exceptionally well disposed” and is “extremely grateful for the support and prayers,” the team said.

Last morning, Donald Trump wrote on his personal page on the social network Twitter that, like the first lady, Melania, he had tested positive for COVID-19 and would be quarantined, in an announcement that left the country on alert and it is to multiply reactions around the world.

The diagnosis and subsequent hospitalization led to several heads of state and government officials, including Xi Jinping (China), Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), Kim Jong-Un (North Korea), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Angela Merkel ( Germany) or Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, expressing his wishes for improvements to Donald Trump.

However, several members of the Republican Party close to the president also assumed they were infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

In addition to the head of state and the first lady, campaign manager Bill Stepien, former adviser Kellyanne Conway, former communications director and adviser Hope Hicks and three Republican senators have already confirmed that they have COVID-19, with the situation spreading. and three journalists accredited to work in the White House.

The list of infections of the Trump administration could still grow in the coming days, since last Saturday dozens of guests were with the president on the occasion of the appointment of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to a position on the Supreme Court. Images from the ceremony showed most of the guests without protective masks and greeting each other with handshakes and hugs, without social distance.

A month before the presidential elections, scheduled for November 3, the campaign enters an unknown scenario. Campaign trips were canceled in the face of Trump’s hospitalization and even debates with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden were in doubt, including who opposes the vice presidential candidates: Republican Mike Pence (whose negative covid-19 test ) and Democrat Kamala Harris.
