Guaidó denies any participation in the maritime invasion


Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó today denied any involvement in the maritime invasion over the weekend, which resulted in eight deaths and which the Venezuelan president said occurred with the intention of killing him.

According to a published statement, cited by the Associated Press, Guaidó emphasized that “he has no relationship or responsibility for any action” perpetrated by a private security company owned by former US soldier Jordan Goudreau.

The ex-combatant insists that the company he owns has a contract with the country’s self-proclaimed president, which is recognized by some 60 countries, including the United States.

However, Goudreau assured that the operation carried out over the weekend did not have the support of Guaidó or Washington.

The objective of the maritime invasion, from Colombia, was “to liberate Venezuela”, but this “will take time”.

The president of the National Constituent Assembly of Venezuela (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, said on Saturday that eight people had died and at least two were detained due to a failed attempt at a maritime invasion near Caracas.

The incident happened Saturday morning, according to the government.

“Eight people died and two were arrested in the operation … A mercenary action, a coup against the institutions of our country, an incursion in which the right will certainly justify what happened,” Cabello said from ANC headquarters. , a constitutional convention created by President Nicolás Maduro, composed only of those loyal to his government, which claims power over the existing institutions, that is, the parliament elected in 2015.

The Venezuelan opposition, however, accused the government of “fabricating” the assembly of a maritime invasion, by alleged mercenaries, who wanted to carry out a coup.

“A fabricated assembly or a criminal act manipulated by the dictatorship to continue the persecution of the interim government, the National Assembly and the democratic forces,” denounced the opposition leader and parliamentary president, Juan Guaidó.

The complaint was made through a statement in which the opposition says that “the regime seeks to divert attention” from the country’s situation to “an alleged event full of inconsistencies, doubts and contradictions.”

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, affirmed that the maritime invasion thwarted by his government on Sunday had as his “central objective” his murder.

“The objective was to assassinate me, the main objective (of the invasion) was to kill the President of Venezuela. It was a terrorist attack in the middle of a pandemic, while the people were at peace. A terrorist attack against the tranquility and peace of Venezuela, “he said.

The Venezuelan government also blamed the United States and Colombia for the “unpredictable consequences” of the alleged failed attempt at a maritime invasion.

Caracas also announced the mobilization of 25,000 soldiers to find rebel cells in the country.
