Former Israeli general: ″ Aliens exist ″ and they have already created a ″ Galactic Federation ″ with us


Theories that we are not alone in the Universe have gained an important ally. Haim Eshed has worked for 30 years as head of security for the Israel Space Program and guarantees that “there are aliens”, but that “humanity is not ready” for this.

In an interview with the Yediot Aharonot newspaper quoted by The Jerusalem Post The former Israeli general goes even further and says that terrestrials and aliens have even created a Galactic Federation, which the governments of Israel and the United States have known for years.There is an agreement between the United States government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to experiment here. They are also investigating and trying to understand the entire structure of the universe and asked for our help, ”revealed Eshed.

According to the ex-soldier, An underground space base is established on Mars, where humans and aliens work side by side.

The revelations of the head of Israel’s Space Security Program come face to face with official information from various governments and space agencies, according to which the neighboring planet has never been visited by humans; this is actually the mission of Elon Musk and his fiancée SpaceX. possibly by 2024.

And more. Haim Eshed says Trump is aware of this and was about to reveal it to the world, but was persuaded not to because “humanity is not yet ready to learn the truth.”

When asked why he kept the secret for so long, he replied: “If I had told you what I said five years ago, I would have been hospitalizedBut now, according to him, minds are more open: “I have nothing to lose. I have my degrees and awards and I am respected in universities abroad. “
