Expresso Grandstand | “Two days ago I went to Google to hear the Golden Whistle. A bandit will always be a bandit and forever remembered as a bandit.”


The values

“The president of FC Porto did not answer me for the penalty. The president of FC Porto responded because we touched the weak point, in his injury, which are values. Values ​​that Sporting has and he does not have. Mr. Pinto da Costa is used to having people on the other side with glass roofs or with little courage, which is not the case of this Sporting. Regarding what he said, about the Alcochete attack, it is a shame to see Mr. Pinto da Costa hitting to defend who made that attack. It shows a lot what he is as a man and his nature “

The golden whistle

“He says that it is another process in which many Portuguese are accused but there was no conviction. But there is a detail: two days ago I went to Google and listened to the taps. And I hear Pinto da Costa say everything he said. I challenge all commentators and journalists to listen to the bugging again and ask what you think. If the bugging can be valid or not, that is a problem for the Justice. Another thing is what we heard and what he did. In a first world country, Pinto da Costa could not be a manager of anything. Speaking to all the members of Sporting, I know they have deserved it for decades …

And the mood

Pinto da Costa may have a great sense of humor, be a culturally above-average person and a resume with many victories, but a bully will always be a bully and in the end a bully will always be remembered as a bully. When he leaves, or if he is forced to retire, he will do a great service to Portuguese football and will contribute to making the country a first-world player “
