Director XXI has no doubts: ″ Despite the suffocation … ″




Members of the sport did not meet budget and report and accounts on Saturday.

Sporting partners disapproved this Saturday, at the General Assembly (AG) held at the José Alvalade stadium, the report and accounts for the year 2019/20 and the budget 2020/21, with 67.22% and 69.19 % of votes against, respectively.

The Director of Ultras XXI, like the Leonine Youth, reacted on social networks and has no doubts: “Despite the suffocation … this Directorate understands and accepts once and for all that SPORTING belongs to the Members and they will always have it. ” last word! (…) Our question is: When will they resign? ”.

Read the full statement:


“Despite the suffocation … may this Board understand and accept once and for all that SPORTING belongs to the Members and that they will always have the last word!

A resounding clue since there is no memory, but it should also be noted that without excursions of the paid members to come to vote, it is easy for the truth to come out and little by little to recover what is of all those who do not give up and than in the worst moments. they say: PRESENT!

A big thank you to all the Sporting members who went to Alvalade today and fulfilled their role by voting!

Our question is: When do they quit? “
