“Democracy won.” Joe Biden took office as the 46th President of the United States


It’s a new day in america“Joe Biden wrote on his Twitter account earlier this Wednesday afternoon.

The ceremony of the “passing testimony of democracy” began at 4 pm (in Lisbon) at the Capitol, in Washington. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, one of Joe Biden’s allies, was the first to speak.

“This is the day our democracy rebuilds itself, cleans the dust, and does what the United States has always done, which is to move forward,” said the senator.

After singer Lady Gaga played the national anthem, Kamala Harris was sworn in as African-American first woman and vice president.

Then it was Joe Biden’s turn to take an oath, with his left hand on a family Bible, which his wife was holding, and his right hand in the air.

“Democracy won”

This is America’s Day, Democracy Day. A day of history, of hope, of renewed decision, “said the president-elect at the beginning of his inauguration speech.

“Today we celebrate the triumph, not of a candidate, but of a cause. The cause of democracy, the people and the will of the people that was heard ”, he added. “Once again we learn that democracy is precious and fragile and in this moment, my friends, democracy has wonBiden said.

“In this sacred land where violence has shaken the foundations of the capital a few days ago, we have united as a nation indivisible over God to carry out a peaceful transfer of power as we have done for more than two centuries,” said the President . elected, referring to the day thousands of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

“This is a great nation,” Biden said, emphasizing that, however, there is still “a long way to go.” “There is much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build and much to gain “said the president-elect.

“Without unity there is no peace”

Without mentioning the name of Donald Trump, Biden acknowledged that the country will now be “put to the test” with various challenges, such as the pandemic, growing inequality, racism and the climate crisis. “They have seldom been more difficult than now,” Biden said.
Joe Biden won the presidential election after winning 306 of the 538 large voters.

To face the next few days, Biden asks for unity: “We need the most lucid thing in democracy: unity.”. “Unite America, unite our people. I ask all Americans to join me in this cause,” he stressed.

Referring again to the attack on the Capitol on January 6, Joe Biden stressed that “America has to be better than this.” “We need to make America a force for good in the world”.

“The forces that divide us are deep and real, but they are not new,” said the President, recalling that “our history has been a constant struggle between the American ideal, in which we are all created as equals, and the ugly reality . , of racism, fear and demonization, which has long driven us away. It’s a constant battle. ”

“The battle is perennial and victory is never guaranteed,” Biden continued, reiterating the importance of unity: “Without union there is no peace, only bitterness and fury. There is no nation, only chaos”.

“Today we are going to start over, we will listen to each other and we will respect each other again,” Biden guaranteed.
Biden vows to “repair alliances”

“This is my message to those beyond our borders. America was tested and we came out stronger. Let’s repair our alliances and re-engage with the world”, Promised the 46th president to the allies of the United States.

We will lead not just by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.“Biden guaranteed, promising that the United States will be” a strong and reliable partner for peace, progress and security. ”
The Portuguese Parliament welcomed this afternoon, with a short applause, the inauguration of the new president of the United States.

Near the end of the 23-minute speech, the president-elect called for a moment of silence in honor of the more than 402,000 deaths in the Covid-19 pandemic recorded in the United States.

Joe Biden then ended his speech by promising to defend the Constitution, democracy and the United States. “Together we will write an American story of hope, not fear, unity, not division, light, not darkness. A story of decency and dignity, love and healing, greatness and goodness.“He concluded.

For the first time in American history, the ceremony was held without an audience to attend in person, and the Capitol was only accessible to accredited individuals. Donald Trump did not attend the ceremony.

Still shaken by the attack on Congress by supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump and the continuing threat of armed protests, the environment in the United States, and particularly in Washington, is one of great tension and has forced the strengthening of security measures for the working day. gives Opening by Joe Biden.

The American capital has become a veritable fortress: the streets are closed, with about 25,000 National Guard agents guarding the security perimeter near the Capitol. This was the largest security operation ever conducted for a presidential transition.
