Deflation has begun and (of course) there are new COVID memes to learn about – Multimédia


In recent weeks, moods have varied depending on the type of challenges the pandemic has been (and will be) presenting. There are concerns from the start that still persist, some that have passed and some that have nonetheless arisen.

Humor, on the other hand, has never been lost and the Internet says so: it was the way in which people reacted to the behavior of others regarding the forms of protection that each one provided, when there were no masks, or misuse Now that there are, or extreme measures that some resort to to impose the defined social distance of two meters.

The sadder the memes, or better to reformulate them: the sadder the behavior of some world leaders, such as those who “ironically” advise to inject household disinfectant or those who answer “I am not an entrepreneur” to the pertinent questions from journalists, which then become memes …

Leaving ridiculous cases aside, family life, with husbands, wives and children as protagonists, remains an inexhaustible source of humor. And what about beauty care that can finally (!) Be taken care of?

However, we also have a telescope, telecommuting and returns, some more awaited than others, and at different times, to the streets, restaurants and (it is not yet known how) beaches.

Shared on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts, and often forwarded between friends and family via WhatsApp, Direct or Messenger, check out our gallery for some of the many memes that continue to cheer on life days with COVID-19.
