CP has already carried out 20,000 disinfections. United Kingdom surpasses Italy


Nthe first week that the country is still adjusting to the gradual resumption of exercise security forces announced yesterday that 780 people were unable to take public transportation without masks – 460 per GNR and 320 for PSP – Three were fined.

It should be remembered that with the calamity situation, there is a “civic duty of care at home” for the general population, regardless of age or whether a person is factors risk, instead of the “general duty of collection” and the “special duty of protection“for certain groups, such as in the state of emergency.

Regarding the incidence of Covid-19 in the country, according to the bulletin epidemicIn total, this Tuesday, Portugal has 25,702 confirmed cases and 1,074 deaths since the outbreak began. 11 more dead in the last 24 hours and 178 more infected. Today, the first fatality was recorded in the 20/29 age group..

In the world at large, pandemic already caused more than 251 thousand deaths and infected almost 3.6 million people worldwide. Health authorities considered that more than 1.1 million patients were cured.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news in the Covid-19 in Portugal and in the world:

6.10 pm – The Minister of Internal Administration said today that 560 tests were carried out. Covid-19 migrants residing in Lisbon hostels, 178 of which had positive results, anticipating that the tests will continue in other reception units of these citizens.

18h08 – The administrator of the Global Media Group, Afonso Camões, questioned today when the measures announced by the Government arrive, for the advance purchase of institutional advertising, alleging that they do not know the criteria for their distribution.

6:03 pm – Comboios de Portugal (CP) has already made around 20 thousand Actions of disinfection To mitigate Covid-19 in their vehicles in the last month and a half, having an operation mounted on 23 stations.

6 pm – The Emergency Health Operations Center in Guinea-Bissau reported today that the disease caused by the new coronavirus made the second fatality in the country and increased the number of confirmed cases to 475.

5:58 pm – A mathematical model by a university in Singapore based on “the trend stream“of cases of greedy-19 imagine the “theoretical end” of stream pandemic around the world for 14 December, was released today.

5:54 pm – The rebels of Yemen today announced his first death due to the new coronavirus in control areas in the north and west of the war country, needing to be a Somali who died in a hotel in the capital, Sanaa.

5:45 pm – Across the country, various services and hospitals began to resume their Activities. Take a look at some of the spaces that reopen between today and Thursday:

  • Municipal services in Silves will gradually reopen from Wednesday, but for now, sports and cultural facilities will remain closed.
  • The Oeiras municipal libraries will reopen to the public tomorrow with a new schedule and hygiene rules, including the mandatory use of masks and disinfection from the hands
  • Santo Inácio Zoo, a space in Vila Nova de Gaia reopens on Thursday with disinfection. A direction He also decided to launch a solidarity sponsorship campaign.
  • The Eduardo Lourenço da Guarda Municipal Library will reopen to the public on Thursday, with the mandatory use of protection.
  • The cameramara Vila Nova de Cerveira announced today the gradual reopening of some municipal services and equipment.
  • The Espírito Santo Hospital of Évora is preparing to “gradually resume exercise usual not urgent “it had to be”rescheduled” because pandemic.
  • Today, the Western Hospital Center resumed consultations, scheduled surgeries, day hospital sessions, and diagnostic and therapeutic tests.

5:40 pm – The Spanish Socialist Prime Minister, Peter Sanchez, today called for the largest formation of the opposition, the Popular Party (right), to support its proposal to prolong the state of emergency to be voted on Wednesday in parliament.

5:34 pm – The cameramara de Lisboa announced, this Tuesday, that from tomorrow “it can reschedule the collection of bulky garbage”:

5:32 pm – The Government of Cape Verde said today that it is receiving, through purchases and donations, surgical masks to distribute to professionals at risk, hoping to have more than 2.6 million by 20 May.

5:25 pm – Mozambique recorded yet another case of infection for the new coronavirus, raising the total number of patients in the country from 80 to 81, the Ministry of Health announced today.

5:23 pm – In just three months, the number of complaints from hate in the United Kingdom against the Chinese it was almost three times higher than that reported in the previous two years.

5:15 pm – Health authorities brittosingle confirms this Tuesday that 693 more deaths were recorded due to Covid-19 in the UK in the last 24 hours, with a total of 29,427 deaths. Regarding the quantity of infected, there are 4,406 more than yesterday, which makes a total of 194,990.

5:14 pm – More than 2,400 artists, from various areas, registered on the Portugal platform #Get in, in which companies and public and private entities can make an investment straight and immediately in Projects artists, was announced today.

5:12 pm – The youth association of Mortágua and the Association of Students of the Association of Schools of Mortágua launched a fundraising campaign to buy protection for four entities in the municipality.

5:08 pm – In the last 24 hours, the Italian authorities reported 1,075 new cases and 236 deaths. In total, since the outbreak began, the SARSCoV-2 already infected 213,013 people and 29,315 deaths in the country.

five pm – Police infected continued working due to an error in the Covid-19. An agent of PSP Rio Tinto worked for at least 14 days. infected, after being told that the test they had done had been negative. But, after all, I was infected. Get the full story here.

16h57 – New mutation indicates that the SARSCoV-2 may be weakening. According to a study recently published in the Journal of Virology, a mutation in the new coronavirus reflects a change that occurred in the genetically similar virus SARS – in 2003, indicating that the virus stream It may be weakening, lessening its severity.

16:56 – Haircut in Berlin? Only after completing a questionnaire. Beauty salons reopened this Monday, but protection there are several and cutting your hair is not as simple as it was.

16:52 – European Commission releases spring economic forecast on Wednesdayfirst projections Brussels on the potential impact of pandemic of greedy-19 in the European economy, at risk of experiencing a contraction without precedents.

4:44 pm – The Minister of the Interior, Eduardo. Goat, guaranteed today that elements of the security forces and services “did not pay a penny” of protection individualnamely, masks, which were distributed during the state of emergency.

4:40 pm – Parliament debates PS diplomas on Wednesday PSDBE, PCP, PEV and PAN who propose to the Government to carry out a campaign to inform citizens about the elimination Right team protection like masks and gloves.

4:33 pm – Eduardo Goat, Interior Minister announced today that 433 people were detained during the 45-day state of emergency, advancing that these “less than 10 cases per day” mean “a great victory for Portuguese society”.

16h28 – “Well washed hands save lives”. With the return of exercise economic and social situation in the country, it is essential that it continue to wash its Right. On this Tuesday, World Hand Hygiene Day, remember the recommendations of Address-General health:

4:24 pm – The Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration said today that the prosecution of updates 10 euros for wages up to 700 euros and 0.3% for the remaining workers must be completed this month.

4:18 pm – Macron criticized for wanting to start reopening schools next week. French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed today his plan to begin the gradual reopening of schools next week after the pandemic of greedy-19, which concerns some mayors, teachers and parents.

4:16 pm – The Minister of Modernization of the State and Public Administration, Alexandra Leitão, said today that 68,000 officials are currently in telecommutingunderlining that this regime “is here to stay” in the state.

16h08 – Experts from the Laboratory of Social Inclusion, of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Porto, warned today of the need to resume, as measures are taken. confinementthe Projects that promote aging active.

4:05 pm – The Azores is experiencing a new positive case of Covid-19, on the island of São Miguel, and 11 more cases of infection of the new coronavirus, reports the Regional Health Authority.

1556 – Bavaria will reopen its restaurants and hotels at the end of May, the authorities of that German state announced today, ignoring the recommendations of Chancellor Angela Merkel regarding the risks of the end of the confinement because greedy-19.

3:55 pm – 1,700 more dead in the centers geriatric In New York State. New York State today reported more than 1,700 deaths, hitherto unknown., associated with the new coronavirus detected geriatric centers and nursing homes.

15.50 – The Azores Health Authority today ordered the closure of the nursing home in the northeast, on the island of São Miguel, a structure where several deaths related to Covid-19.

3:42 pm – “More than 2,300 health professionals” were hired during pandemic. More than 2,300 health professionals, such as doctors and nurses, were hired during the pandemic of greedy-19 to strengthen the National Health System, the Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, advanced today.

3:35 pm – The Bangladeshi man is the first victim under the age of 30 in Portugal. Citizen was 29 years old and suffered from two pathologies, one of which was hypertension. Ended up dying with Covid-19.

3:30 pm – The World Health Organization reported today that countries that have samples of patients suspected of having pneumonia in late 2019 should analyzethe to identify possible cases of greedy-19.

3:24 pm – The member states of the European Union today approved the proposal of the European Commission to grant assistance macro-financial up to three billion euros to 10 neighboring countries to help them face the crisis of Covid-19.

3:13 pm – The Netherlands Institute of Health announced that 317 new cases were registered and that 86 more people died within 24 hours. The Netherlands now represents more than 41,000 cases and 5,168 deaths.

15:06 – A IATAThe International Air Transport Association will recommend wearing a mask when flights resume, The Guardian reports.

3:00 pm – Lisbon, Porto, Braga, Vila Nova de Gaia and Matosinho keep being the most affected by the outbreak of coronavirus in portugal Find out how many cases of Covid-19 is in your county.

Remember here all developments in the Covid-19 in Portugal and in the world during the morning and afternoon of this Tuesday.

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