Covid-19. The detailed situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world.


We have been in a state of calamity since 00:00, but this Sunday it is still prohibited to circulate between the municipalities. We have also entered the third month of the epidemic since the first confirmed case of Covid-19 appeared in the country. On Saturday, Portugal had 1,023 deaths and 25,351 confirmed cases, after 422 of them were removed from the count due to a duplication error.

More updates


10:35 pm – Libraries and archives advocate “phased” reopening and quarantined books

The Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists (BAD, for its acronym in English) today considered that these services should resume activity “gradually” and that a mandatory quarantine would be imposed on all documents consulted or loaned, to avoid contamination by covid-19.

In addition, and in a first phase, the association believes that reading and face-to-face consultation should continue to be prohibited in the “overwhelming majority” of the team.

On Monday, libraries and archives across the country may reopen, as part of the activities that are part of the first phase of the national decontamination plan, defined on Thursday by the Government of António Costa.

In a statement published on its website, the association said that despite the social closure, few files were closed, and most maintained the availability of documents in digital form and the provision of internal services.

10:17 pm – Brazil registers more than 100,000 cases

More than 4,000 cases this Sunday have made the number of confirmed cases exceed 100,000 in the last hours. In total, there are 101,000 cases and more than 7,000 deaths, according to the Brazilian Minister of Health.

22h14 – The project of the Portuguese company allows users to get closer to family homes

A house in Montijo used technology to allow visits without risk of contagion. Mother’s Day was used to test what is already called the emotion box.

10:00 pm – There were 45 days of unprecedented emotions: fear, anguish, strangeness, sadness

45 days of state of emergency in Portugal have ended. Millions of Portuguese lived these six weeks closed at home with their lives suspended. Mafalda Gameiro drew the portrait of these days.

9:53 pm – The army has a cell phone to coordinate support actions to combat Covid-19

The army created a Covid-19 response cell. The cell operates at the Ground Operations Center and is designed to coordinate support in the fight against the epidemic.

9:51 pm – Serenade of Queima das Fitas de Coimbra takes place without audience

The organization of the Queima das Fitas de Coimbra will hold a serenade without an audience, but with a broadcast, on Thursday night, after this student party was postponed to October due to the covid-19, it was announced today.

“It will take place on the date it was planned to happen, but symbolically, in Paço das Escolas [da Universidade de Coimbra], behind closed doors, but with transmission so that colleagues can see at home, “Queima das Fitas general secretary Leandro Marques told Lusa.

9:30 pm – More than 245,000 deaths worldwide

The new coronavirus pandemic has claimed at least 245,576 deaths worldwide since it appeared in China in December, according to a balance sheet made at 7:00 p.m. Today by the agency France-Presse, from official sources.

More than 3,479,220 cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 195 countries and territories since the pandemic began.

This number of diagnosed cases reflects only a fraction of the actual number of infections, taking into account that a large number of countries test only those cases that require hospital treatment. Among these cases, at least 1,063,600 are considered cured.

Since the count made at 19:00 GMT on Saturday (another time in Lisbon), there have been 3,893 new deaths and 80,626 new cases worldwide.

The countries with the highest number of deaths in those 24 hours were the United States, with 1,510 deaths, Brazil (421) and the United Kingdom (315).

The United States is the most affected country, both in terms of death and cases, with 67,155 deaths in 1,148,004 cases. At least 175,382 people have been declared cured.

8:58 pm – Plasma. Clinical trials with patients with Covid-19 begin in Portugal in mid-May

Portugal is preparing to use plasma from recovered patients in clinical trials to treat Covid-19. In the United States, these trials started about three weeks ago.

8:56 pm – A couple of Portuguese oncologists are at the forefront in Washington

The epidemic has decreased in many parts of the United States. But the capital is only expected to peak this week, as RTP Washington correspondent João Ricardo de Vasconcelos noted.

8:55 pm – Seventeen Brazilian states prolonged social isolation

In Brazil, 17 states have prolonged social isolation for much of this month. Covid-19 murders 6,700 people and the mayor of Rio de Janeiro admits to tightening the measures if social confinement is not respected.

The RTP correspondent in Rio de Janeiro, Pedro Sá Guerra, is following the situation in Brazil.

8:50 pm – The WHO declared that the new coronavirus has a natural origin

The WHO declared that COVID 19 has “a natural origin”. The World Health Organization rejected the theory that the new coronavirus was created in a laboratory in China.

20:49 – Taxis, workshops and car stands with masks, gloves and regular disinfection.

Starting this Sunday, taxis and other transportation vehicles have new rules. Workshops and stands are also required to disinfect cars and always wear gloves and a mask when contacting customers.

8:44 pm – Lisbon and Porto meters have vending machines for personal protective equipment.

The meters in Porto and Lisbon will have vending machines for protection material. The Porto metro is expected to run 95 percent, but with fewer seats. There will be double carts and improved service at peak hours, with authorities ordered to inspect and impose fines on those who do not wear a mask.

8:43 pm – The Sanctuary of Fatima maintains the decision not to have pilgrims on May 13

The Fatima shrine maintains the decision not to receive pilgrims on May 13. The doubt arose after the Minister of Health questioned a duality of criteria between the CGTP authorization of May 1 and the May 13 ban on Fatima, after having declared that, after all, the pilgrimage to Fatima was possible since the distances between the people were respected.

But religious officials said they did not want to jeopardize public health.

20h19 – Portugal registers 20 more deaths and 92 confirmed cases

The government announced data suggesting a new arrest for new infections in Portugal. In the last 24 hours, 92 new cases were reported, which corresponds to an abrupt drop in infections, establishing a total of close to 25,300 cases. There were 20 deaths, bringing the total to 1,043 deaths.

8:11 pm – Mandatory use of masks in super and hypermarkets

The use of individual protection masks in hypermarkets and supermarkets has been mandatory since today. Right now, Portugal produces around a million masks a day.

20h08 – Starting this Sunday, the “civic duty of gathering”

Portugal entered a situation of calamity. It is the first step towards reopening economic activity. Starting tomorrow, May 4, stores of up to 200 square meters, hairdressers, barbers, bookstores and car stands, public offices and libraries and gardens will also open.

The end of the state of emergency was welcomed by a hot day that drew many to the beaches.

19h24 – Madeira saves 86 cases for the ninth consecutive day

Madeira has 86 cases of covid-19 for the ninth consecutive day, with 48 cured, one more than on Saturday, health officials said today, highlighting that only one patient is hospitalized.

“We are in a position to have these openings [a retoma da atividade comercial a partir de segunda-feira]”said the Secretary of Health and Civil Protection, Pedro Ramos, at a press conference in Funchal.

And he reinforced: “The Regional Health Service has the capacity to respond and has control over this situation.”

However, the government official warned the population not to change their behavior for at least a year, in terms of personal protection, physical distance, and hygiene standards.

“We must continue to be responsible,” he stressed.

7:22 p.m. – Bishop says May 13 celebrations in Fatima remain without pilgrims

The Bishop of Leiria-Fátima, António Marto, said today that May 13 in the Sanctuary of Fátima will be celebrated “without the habitual participation of the pilgrims”, as the Catholic Church had already decided.

“Having information that the Sanctuary of Fátima could carry out the pilgrimage from May 12 to 13 with the presence of pilgrims in the prayer room,” the Bishop of Leiria-Fátima, Cardinal António Marto, “explains that the decision was maintained previously announced to celebrate these celebrations with the enclosure, without the habitual participation of the pilgrims, “says a statement.

“The decision of the Catholic Church to follow the instructions of the civil authorities to suspend community religious celebrations derives from the responsibility to do what is within their reach not to endanger public health, thus fulfilling the evangelical mandate of love next time, “stresses the person in charge.

19h16 – Azores also adopts the mandatory use of a mask

The head of the Health Authority in the Azores, Tiago Lopes, announced today that the use of a mask will be mandatory in the archipelago starting Monday, within the scope of protection measures due to covid-19.

The Azores thus join the rest of the country, where the decision had already been made by the national and Madeira governments.

In the usual briefing on the status of the pandemic, Tiago Lopes explained that the decision was made because “on the part of the population, there is already more ease of movement on public roads,” being “notable that the physical distance has decreased. since significantly in the region “, which” is understandable but not acceptable “.

The official spoke at Angra do Heroísmo, on a day when there were no new cases of covid-19 infection.

19h04 – France registers a decrease in the number of deaths

French health officials announced Sunday that the country had registered 135 additional deaths from covid-19, with a total of 24,895 deaths. In intensive care there are now 3,819 people, eight fewer than yesterday.

17h11 – The number of deaths in Italy falls

The death toll in Italy fell this Sunday. 174 more deaths were registered, instead of the 474 registered yesterday, according to the Italian Civil Protection. This is the lowest number since March 10.

The number of confirmed cases has also decreased. After 1900 yesterday, this Sunday there were 1,389 more cases. However, the numbers that give some hope, it is necessary to remember that every Sunday it usually rises again a day later.

There are now a total of 28,884 deaths in Italy, the highest number in Europe. In terms of confirmed cases, they add up to 210,717, the third highest number after the United States and Spain.

4:45 pm – United Kingdom registers decrease in the number of deaths

The British government announced Sunday that the country had registered 315 more deaths, a number totaling 28,446 deaths, a number second only to Italy. This figure includes deaths in hospitals, nursing homes and the community.

4:25 pm – Rolls-Royce plans to cut up to 8,000 jobs

British industrial group Rolls-Royce plans to cut up to 8,000 jobs due to the drop in air traffic caused by the new coronavirus pandemic, a source close to the lawsuit told France Presse today.

The figure represents approximately 15% of the aircraft engine manufacturer’s workforce.

“The impact of covid-19 is unprecedented. We take quick steps to increase our liquidity, dramatically reduce our expenses … But we have to go beyond that,” said a group spokesperson, specifying that they are taking hold negotiations. with unions and that employment decisions should be announced in late May.

16h21 – Canada with less than five percent increase in deaths

The death toll in Canada rose to 3,606 this Sunday, down from less than five percent, according to the Public Health Agency. The number of confirmed cases increased to 57,148, compared to 55,572 yesterday.

16h14 – 200 Portuguese repatriated today from two Cape Verde islands

Some 200 Portuguese detained in Cape Verde since the archipelago closed on international flights, to contain the covid-19 pandemic, were repatriated today from the islands of São Vicente and Santiago, on a TAP commercial flight.

The figures were presented by the Portuguese Ambassador to Cape Verde, António Albuquerque Moniz, who was at the Praia International Airport, Santiago Island (south of the archipelago) today, where about 150 passengers, mainly of Portuguese nationality, boarded. another 50 who entered the island of São Vicente (north) before.

In statements to journalists, the diplomat explained that the selection of passengers who traveled on this flight, organized with the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was made based on requests for repatriation received at the Portuguese consular section of Praia.

16h00 – “The homemade masks” are not out of the question

The minister said that the “Ministry of Health is evaluating” and “monitoring prices” to act, if necessary.

“The initial concern was to put masks with some kind of certification on the market. But the use of homemade masks is not out of the question,” he said.

“As important as wearing masks are other means of protection,” stressed Marta Temido.

3:45 pm – The return to primary care and hospital activity will be gradual and progressive

Regarding the dispatch issued on Saturday by the Ministry of Health, Marta Temido explained that this “determines the gradual and progressive return to the activity of primary health care and hospitals, in a logic of constant monitoring.

“We highlight the maximization of telehealth means, the maximization of the means to guarantee that users do not remain in health services beyond the time strictly necessary, and the maximization of the performance of the assistance activity, whether at home or in a similar place, but also in a working environment. proximity, “said the minister.

Marta Temido said that “it will be easier to respond in certain areas, such as consultations”, but in other areas “such as surgery” there will be more difficulties. “We need everyone to give these answers,” he said.

15:40 – The minister asks for “caution” when reading data that only records 92 new cases

The Minister of Health asked for “prudence” when reading the numbers this Saturday on the evolution of the pandemic in Portugal, which point to an increase of 92 new cases, an increase well below those registered in previous days.

“These numbers should be read with caution immediately for the known effect on medical notification [que] has the circumstance of having spent three days with possible less activity because it is a weekend and a holiday, “said Marta Temido.

3:20 pm – Marta Temido clarifies the theme of the May 13 celebrations in Fatima

The Minister of Health clarified, at the press conference, that the traditional pilgrimage to Fatima cannot take place.

“What the Ministry of Health tried to explain yesterday is that there is a difference between pilgrims and celebrants.”

The statements were made at the regular press conference after the publication of the epidemiological bulletin on the covid-19 pandemic in Portugal by the General Directorate of Health and came after the Sanctuary itself revealed that it was “surprised” by that ceremonies could be held. , since the Catholic Church itself had decided to cancel the usual ceremonies.

“We are available to help the Catholic Church define specific rules for these celebrations,” said Marta Temido.

“The diocese of Leiria / Fatima had already decided that the religious ceremonies of May 13 of this year will be held in a closed space and without believers or pilgrims, inside the basilica and with television broadcast. Therefore, there is no confusion or decisions other than that. ” That has already been predicted and defined by our Church, “he emphasized.

14h50 – Portugal with 92 more confirmed cases

This Sunday the country has 25,282 confirmed, 92 more than yesterday and 20 more deaths (a total of 1,043), 12 of which are over 80 years old. There are still 18 cases recovered.

The DGS bulletin began to be presented more than two hours late, justified by the Minister of Health with the need to verify the numbers.

Marta Temido explained that in the last few hours there have been very few notifications of medical cases, which led to the verification of laboratory cases.

14:45 – Italy authorizes training for all sports starting Monday

“The athletes, professional or not, of collective modalities, are
authorized, like all citizens, to exercise in spaces
public or private, as long as they obey the distancing rules
of at least two meters and the ban on meetings “,
refers to the decree of the Ministry of the Interior.

In this way, football clubs can resume training from
Monday, although obeying the preventive measures enacted by the
governmental authorities

2:30 pm – The personal cost of the families of nurses in times of pandemic

A set of stories that show the personal sacrifice of those who are in charge of fighting the disease. They reveal longing, but also solidarity.

Today, particularly moving for them, the mothers, who had been away from their children for several weeks.

2:20 pm – Truckers joined the American protest against the running of the bulls

14h13 – Several European countries go into deflation this Monday

2:00 pm – Porto and Lisbon accountants with the sale of protection material.

1:50 pm – Nature tourism challenges impediment to open already on Monday

1:37 pm – The Portuguese industry prepares to export masks after supplying the country

1:25 pm – The sun and the end of the state of emergency invite many to leave home

13h10 – Decision of the CEP delegates on celebrations in the Sanctuary of Fatima

13h00 – More than 243,630 dead in the world

The new coronavirus pandemic has caused at least 243,637 deaths worldwide since its appearance in China in December, according to a balance at 11:00 GMT today prepared by the France-Presse agency from official sources.

More than 3,441,540 cases of infection were officially registered in 195
countries and territories since the start of the pandemic. This number of cases
diagnosed reflects only a fraction of the actual number of infections,
while a large number of countries test only the cases that
require hospital treatment. Among these cases, at least 1,055,500
are considered cured

12:50 – The Archbishop of Braga asks for caution

The archbishop of Braga, Jorge Ortiga, defended the need for caution and patience in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, in a note on the organization of pastoral care after the state of emergency.

“In view of the defense of the life and health of all, the resumption of
The life of the communities should be gradual, prudent and
patient “, says Jorge Ortiga in the” pastoral note to organize the
after the state of national emergency, “published today on page
from the Archdiocese of Braga on the internet.

“For us, beyond the fight
against the virus, testimony and example are also important. No
we can be in a hurry or rush, “he stresses.

“The moment is
of great thought and responsibility. May our intervention be
pedagogical We have a duty to clarify Christians and do it with
Patience and perseverance. The danger of contagion has not passed, “calls the
Archbishop of primates.

“We have been winning some battles, but not yet
we won the war, “warns the official, asking everyone to be
“strict in complying with all official determinations”.

The prelate’s note responds to the riots and protests on the social networks of thousands of Christians, which demand the reopening of worship in churches before the announced date, May 30 and 31.

12h30 – Praise to GNR

The Republican National Guard is celebrating its 109th anniversary, and both the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister highlighted the date, with an emphasis on the performance of elements of this force in the context of a pandemic.

The President of the Republic considered that the role of GNR in the current covid-19 pandemic has been “crucial” and “irreplaceable”, and is among the most needy and assistance populations “confused” and “disturbed”.

The Prime Minister praised the GNR’s “pedagogical, firm and serene” performance in the face of the current pandemic, considering that it was another demonstration of dedication to the public cause.

11:20 am – The European Commission wants to resume travel and tourism in the EU but with restrictions

The countries most affected by the pandemic will take time to open the borders and resume normal circulation, but the European Commission wants to see “some form of tourism” in Europe in the summer, although it is still limited.

However, traveling outside the European Union is not recommended, at least until the end of the year.

Regarding refunds for flights canceled in recent weeks, the EU refuses to change the rules on passenger rights.

10:40 am – The definition is “essential”, says the president of the INRJ

In an interview with RTP, the president of the National Institute Ricardo Jorge guarantees that, without a vaccine for the new coronavirus, immunity tests are the best way to combat Covid-19.

Fernando Almeida adds that the lack of definition is essential at this stage.

10:20 – Spain with strong daily drop in deaths and positive cases

Spain recorded 164 deaths in the last 24 hours due to the covid-19 pandemic, the lowest number since the end of March and 112 fewer than on Saturday, with a total of 25,264 deaths so far.

According to the Spanish Ministry of Health, there are 838 new cases.
positive results, also a notable decrease in relation to the 1,147
Saturday, bringing to 217,466 the total number of infected people confirmed by
PCR test, the most reliable to detect the virus.

Daily numbers
They also indicate that, in the last 24 hours, there are 1,654 people cured, being
the total of 118,902 since the start of the pandemic.

Confirm the
general trend in the last days for the decrease in the number of cases
positive and deaths associated with covid-19, with the number of people cured
increase and relief of the entire hospitalization system.

9:50 am – António Guterres denounces the disinformation pandemic

The Secretary-General of the United Nations says that journalism is in fact the “antidote” against the disinformation pandemic.

António Guterres calls on governments to facilitate the work of journalists reporting on Covid-19.

The Journalists Union says that attacks on press freedom in the
Europe is in grave danger of becoming the “new normal”.

The Committee to Protect Journalists estimates that there are around 250 journalists in prison worldwide.

09:15 – The Pope remembered the priests and doctors killed during the pandemic

Pope Francis today paid tribute to the priests and doctors who died victims of the new coronavirus in the fulfillment of their mission to help others.

At the mass that he celebrates every day in the chapel of his residence, the Holy House of the Vatican, and on the occasion of Good Shepherd Sunday, Francis recalled “many pastors of the world, who give their lives for the faithful.”

“Also in this pandemic, more than 100 (shepherds) died here in Italy,” lamented the Supreme Pontiff..

8:50 am – Number of deaths in Germany again below one hundred

Germany, the sixth country with the most cases of covid-19 in the world, registered again in the last 24 hours less than one hundred deaths (74), totaling 6,649, with 162,496 registered cases, according to official data.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the number of cases has increased 793 in recent hours. According to the same source, there are 130,600 people who have overcome the disease, an additional 1,600 in the past 24 hours.

8:45 am – Iran reopens mosques

The Iranian government announced the reopening of mosques starting Monday, in 30 percent of counties.

8:30 am – Russia with more than 10,000 cases in a single day

Russia counted 10,633 new cases in one day, a new record, after Saturday counting 9,623.

The country now registers 134,686 infected people, according to official authorities.

The death rate has been falling. The country has recorded 1,280 deaths so far, after 58 people have died in the past 24 hours, the new coronavirus crisis center said.

8:20 am – The death toll in Africa rises to 1,754 in more than 42,000 cases

the number of deaths from covid-19 in Africa increased to 1,754
in the last hours, with more than 42 thousand cases of the disease registered in 53
countries, according to the latest pandemic statistics at the time

According to the Center for Control and Prevention of
Diseases of the African Union (Africa CDC), in the last 24 hours the number
the death toll increased from 1,689 to 1,754, while infections increased from
40,746 to 42,713.

The total number of recovered patients increased from 13,383 to 14,152.

08h05 – More than a million recovered

The United States continues to be the country with the highest number of deaths and confirmed cases.

Italy (28,710 deaths, more than 209 thousand cases), United Kingdom (28,131
deaths, more than 182 thousand cases), Spain (25,100 deaths, more than 216 thousand
cases) and France (24,760 deaths, more than 168 thousand cases).

To level
According to a balance of the AFP news agency, the
covid-19 has already caused more than 241 thousand deaths and infected approximately 3.4
million people in 195 countries and territories.

More than a million patients were considered cured.

08h00 – United States with more than 1,453 deaths

The United States has reported 1,453 deaths in the past 24 hours due to the covid-19 pandemic, according to the Johns Hopkins University count. In total, 66,224 people died in the United States.

The number of infected people increased to 1,132,315 and about 175,000 people were reported to have recovered.

The photo in Portugal

We have been in a state of calamity since 00:00, but this Sunday it is still prohibited to circulate between the municipalities. We have also entered the third month of the epidemic since the first confirmed case of Covid-19 appeared in the country. On Saturday, Portugal had 1,023 deaths and 25,351 confirmed cases, after 422 of them were removed from the count due to a duplication error.

As of Monday, the state of calamity allows some normalization of daily life. The use of a mask becomes mandatory in
Public transport, commerce and schools. They are not
Events with more than 10 people. The Minister of Health admitted that the celebrations for the 13th in Fatima can take place, if they are carried out according to the model followed by the CGTP celebrations of May 1.

The image in the world

The covid-19 pandemic has killed at least 241,682 people worldwide.
since it appeared in China in December, according to the balance of the
AFP, based on official data.

According to data collected by the French news agency, up to
8:00 pm on Saturday, 3,398,390 cases of
infection in 195 countries and territories since the start of the new pandemic

Brazil announced 421 more victims
deaths in the country, bringing the total number of victims to 6,750. In terms of
the confirmed cases were almost five thousand, which were reported, in a
total of 95 thousand cases. In Manaus, a revolt ended in a prison affected by the epidemic, with 17 wounded and the hostages handed over.

The United States recorded 1,453 deaths in the past 24 hours, according to the Johns University count.
Hopkins Overall, 66,224 people died in the United States. The number of infected people increased to 1,132,315 and about 175,000 people were reported to have recovered.

Russia counted a peak of nearly 10,000 people infected in a single day, and China, the country of origin of the new coronavirus, counted two more cases.
