Covid-19. A situation a minute from the no coronavirus not country and not world


We accompany here the developments on a pandemic of Covid-19 in Portugal and not the World. Or the last report indicates that já morreram em Portugal 1007 pessoas vítimas da Covid -19. At this time, or country had 25,351 confirmed cases (ontem eram 25,045). More than 306 people, or that represents a growth tax of 1.2 percent. Wait laboratory result 3828 people. Or Rt, informed the minister da Saúde, is us 0.92.

More atualizações

3:28 pm – Donald Trump telephoned Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

The President of the United States was linked to the President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, and various issues of bilateral interest have been addressed, in particular of an economic nature and in an international situation.

You two Presidents are part of the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic in the way that it has been confronted with the spread of each of the two countries, I have only been referring to the participation of a Portuguese company that has tested us in the United States of America, to production of a specific medicine.

The President of the Republic sublimates the importance of international cooperation and the multilateral team of international organizations to face common challenges, including a priority for the pandemic fight and the importance of learned lessons.

O American President praised or performed Portuguese for this pandemic event and offered any help that was considered useful and necessary, or that Portuguese President thanked.

15h13 – Hungarian GP of F1 will be held on date

The Hungarian Grand Prix of Formula 1, scheduled to be launched on August 2, in the Hungaroring, will be held on a date due to the pandemic of the novo coronavirus, the organizers will announce.

The cause is or compliance with the measure of the Hungarian government that impedes the realization of events with more than 500 people before August 15.

A Formula 1 planned to start the non-first season at the end of the week of July, as the Great Prize of Austria, followed by the GP of England (July 17 to 19), both at the presence of the public, but or updated calendar ainda não foi revealed .

15h00 – More than 233 thousand deaths worldwide or more than 3.2 thousand infected

A pandemic of the nov coronavirus caused less than 233,176 deaths not in the world since or after its appearance in China, the second time, at 11:00 GMT, produced by the French-Presse agency from official sources.

More than 3,264,200 cases of infection registered officially in
195 countries and territories since or beginning of the epidemic. This number of
diagnosed cases hardly reflect a failure of the actual number of
infeções, considering that a large number of countries test barely
cases that require hospital treatment. Between these cases, hair less
987,400 foram considered cured.

The United States,
will record your first death linked to or coronavirus not beginning of
fevereiro, são o country mais atestido quer em number of deaths, quer de
cases, with 63,019 deaths in 1,070,032. Hair less 153,947 weights foram
declared cured.

Após os United States, the countries mais
shaved only in Italy with 27,967 deaths in 205,462 cases, or the United Kingdom
with 26,711 deaths (171,253 cases), in Spain with 24,824 deaths (215,216
cases) and França with 24,376 deaths (167,178 cases).

2:55 pm – More than four cases and death to us

A Autoridade de Saúde Regional dos Açores reported that they had diagnosed more than four positive cases of covid-19 in the Ilha de São Miguel and a death in the Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, Ponta Delgada.

Second or communiqué from the Autoridade de Saúde, it is about three
Many communities between 85 and 97 years old, and a homem, 92 years old, all
institutionalized no lar of idosos da Santa Casa da Misericórdia do

For the death of a 93-year-old student,
hospitalized at Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, in Ponta Delgada,
Three cases of recovery from infection were registered: Duas Mulheres, 77 e
88 years old, both residents of São Miguel; e um homem, 51
years, resident na ilha Terceira.

14h50 – Quick tests

Minister da Saúde revealed that she was working with several entities
to define distribution criteria for rapid diagnostic tests
of infeção pelo novo coronavírus, admitting that it is assumedm “particular
relevância “as or retake of care não-covid.

“No ministry of health we have been, em
colaboração com as Administrações Regionais de Saúde, os Serviços
Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde e o Infarmed, a trabalhar nestas
materials and criteria for distribution of rapid tests
[diagnóstico em cerca de 50 minutos], which is not the context of
Assistance activity is not covered and intensifies, only
particularly relevant, “said Marta Temido.

2:40 p.m. – Several European countries will start lack of confidence

2.30 pm – TAP document provides for a gradual resumption of operations on May 18

14h19 – Strategic Reserve

The Minister of Health made a follow-up of measures to control the transmission of viruses and to reduce the number of serious cases of infection by the covid-19, keeping “strategic reserve” of meios.

“We continue to ter, in constant preparation, to our strategic reserve, not only of individual protection equipment, but also of infrastructures, of human resources, of adequate means to respond adequately to an eventual increase in epidemic outbreak,” said Marta Temido, a daily press conference to update information on the pandemic of covid-19.

13h47 – Masks

Minister da Saúde confirmed that bribes will be applied to not using masks on public transport.

Please also note that Governo is afraid that “all efforts are made” to guarantee the offer of protective equipment.

13h31 – Numbers of the epidemic in Portugal ainda acima do desejável

To Minister da Saúde, he affirmed that “the numbers are still higher than what we would like more than ever more controlled than they were 15 days ago. Or” the country is sooner ago “to reopen the few years, disse ainda.

13h18 – Taxa de infeção está nos 0.92

A minister da Saúde reported that the average number of secondary cases resulting from an infected case, or now a very large number of victims, andThis is our last five days at 0.92. Ou seja, em média, uma pessoa infected passa or viruses unless u pessoa.

A lethality tax in Portugal is 4%, according to the Minister of Health, being 14.2 per cent in people over 70 years of age.

86 percent two cases of infected people are recovering at home.

12:49 pm – Portugal with more than 1,000 victims killed by Covid’s cause – 19

Or the last report indicates that já morreram em Portugal 1007 pessoas vítimas da Covid -19.

This time, Portugal tem 25,351 confirmed cases (ontem was 25,045). More than 306 people, or that represents a growth tax of 1.2 percent. Wait laboratory result 3828 people.

Or number of recovered cases also increased. São agora 1647 (ontem eram 1519).

The surveillance is 29,756 people.

Or number of cases of onix baixou das 968 boarding schools for as atuais 892. Or the same happens as number of people admitted to Intensive Care Units. Baixou for 154 when ontem was 172.

12h09 – GNR and PSP. It is necessary to perceive that “as regras vão mudar

12h01 – Ryanair can eliminate three thousand companies in two years due to bankruptcy

He announced to Ryanair, the Irish airline company for cheap flights, that he will be able to eliminate three thousand pilots’ jobs and the cabin crew within the next two years due to bankruptcy caused by the covid-19 pandemic.

During this period, this restructuring plan could also force the company to make temporary layoffs, reduce wages by about 20% and date “various bases in Europe,” the company revealed in the statement.

He also informed the company that “more than 99%” will be rubbed and will remain on the ground “hair less” in July, estimating that the traffic of passage will not return to the nines of 2019 “até ao verão de 2022, no minimum” . (Lusa)

11:40 – Diplomas published declaring the situation of calamidade

The diplomas that declare a situation of calamity from the second February and the establishment or removal of the measures of confinement, not the field of combat against the pandemic of Covid-19, published foram not published by Diário da República (DR).

No DR was also published leaflet or diploma limiting at 11:59 pm from Sunday to circulation for two years for the usual residence, “except for reasons of health or other reasons of urgent urgency.”

With the publication of the decree-law that declares a situation of calamity from 00:00 on Sunday and at 11:59 p.m. on May 17, there are established limits and conditions for circulation and the rationalization of the use of public services.

11h34 – More than 63 deaths not Irão

Morreram is no more than 63 people due to no no coronavirus. Not total, or Irão tem 6,091 dead victims and 95,646 confirmed cases of infection.

11h25 – Unionists arrested in Turkey for violating confinement

Policia deteve hoje responsáveis ​​unions that paraded in Istambul
to assassinate or Dia Mundial do Trabalhador, in spite of a proibição de
sair à rua devido à luta against a pandemic of covid-19.

About 15 people, among you or leader of the powerful confederation
union DISK, Arzu Cerkezoglu, foram dams peels police, second um
photographer gives AFP.

11:10 – We take the new cases in Belgium

Belgium recorded, last 24 hours, 513 new cases of covid-19,
less 147th than the fifth-feira, second official dice leaf

According to the epidemiological bulletin of hoje,
The last 24 hours were registered 513 new positive cases of
contamination as a novo coronavirus (face 660 of February-5th), to
total CU49,032.

Nas last 24 hours houve 130 mortes, mais
19 do que 111 de quinta-feira, totaling Belgium 7,703 deaths
by covid-19 from or start of pandemic not country.

11h00 – 1st May. CDS-PP requires or Governo to correct “monstrous stunt”

For or CDS, “in a better way to celebrate or Primeiro de Maio” and to demand the State “to pay or to pay” workers.

Either the President of the party may or an extension of the lay-off regime to all the managing partners. Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos still demands that the State comply with the promised sharing of companies.

10h50 – Message of 1st of May of Primeiro-Minister

Or Prime-minister pede unidade between State and companies, em defends two posts of work. Numa message no Twitter on or 1st of Maio, António Costa assinala to data, this year commemorated differently.

O Prime Minister-Escreve that “We live tempos em que los trabalhadores, o Estado e as companies partilham efforts to preserve the postos de trabalho.

We will know how to be united in this cause, protecting what is working and what is working, it must be the main message this day “.

10:45 – Spain with a slight increase in deaths

recorded, the last 24 hours, 281 deaths due to o novo coronavírus,
a slight increase in relation to 268 of the fifth of February, having até agora
A total of 24,824 deaths, second to the country’s health authorities.

According to the Spanish Ministry of Health, he has
1,175 new positive cases, increasing to 215,216 or total infected
Confirmed by the PCR test, or more reliable in the detection of viruses.

daily numbers indicate that, in the last 24 hours, there were 2,628
cured people depois de terem contracted to doença, sendo o total de
114,678 since or start of the pandemic.

10H40 – África do Sul lifts restrictions

Or use
with a passa mask, I turned to be a compulsory person in Africa do Sul, on the day that
o Governo initiates a gradual lifting of confinement measures
against a pandemic caused by novo coronavirus hair.

Or announcement foi feito not passed Saturday pela minister two Assuntos
Tradicionais da África do Sul, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, numa conferência
of printing, referring to the use of masks will be obligatory
Whenever a população pretend to leave home.

10:30 am – Centrais syndication assinalam 1st May with respect for the pandemic

Carlos Silva, from the UGT, and Isabel Camarinha, from the CGTP, will explain this manna RTP as commemorations of Dia do Trabalhador, inasmuch as they denounce the pressons placed on the workers about a pandemic.

Carlos Silva emphasized that the quasi 1 milhão of workmen ficaram sem um terço do salário e muitos is going to be alvo of abusive practices on the part of companies, but also to the Government that it complies quickly or pays das comparticipações especiais às companies.

10h20 – Venezuela receives auxiliary from UN and PAHO

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced that he is going to check “several
tons “of humanitarian aid to Venezuela, sent by the Organization
das Nações Unidas (ONU) e pela Organização Panamericana da Saúde (PAHO),
to fight a pandemic gives covid-19.

“Nas next weeks I will continue chegar
humanitarian aid, to continue supplying Venezuela with tests
rapids gives covid-19 e of all or material for treatment and protection.
trabalhadores da saúde “, disse, na noite de quinta-feira.

10h00 – GNR e PSP confirms ações de restriction de relocations

Professionals from Saúde, magistrates, union leaders and politicians, além das forças de segurança e de quem tem autorização para deslocar em trabalho, will be the only cities authorized to relocate for fora do seu concelho de resideência during or the end of the week.

As you do so, you will perform coordinate operations to inspect the two cities, from the north to your country.

09H50 – Rússia as a new peak of cases

In 24 hours, in Rússia we reported more than 7,933 positive cases of the novo coronavirus, fifth February tinham been 7,099.

The number of deaths is now in 1,169, more than 96 people have died in the same period.

09h30 – Clinical trials with human plasma will start in 10 services

Clinical trials with blood plasma from recovered patients from covid-19
I will start this month in 10 units distributed across the country, I revealed
Instituto Português do Sangue e da Transplantação (IPST).

“There are only three Centers of Sangue and Transplantação do IPST – Lisboa,
Porto e Coimbra – will make this colheita, as well as three services of
immuno-hemotherapy in the North region, in the Central region and in the region
Sul, “said Maria Antónia, president of the Conselho Diretivo do IPST
Escoval, à Lusa.

Além da identção destes 10 serviços, or IPST garantiu já ter
Defined a procedure and guidelines for a selection of givers,
colheita, análise, processamento, armazenamento e distribuição de plasma
convalescent “aos serviços dos hospitais, onde os doctors e as equips
prescribers are responsible for carrying out two tests.

“During or more than one year, the voluntary recruitment of
convalescent doctors and sensitization two months through two doctors
assistants “, clarifies Maria Antónia Escoval, accenting that” em
simultaneous, a working group, not the Ministry of Health,
will define the minimum criteria for inclusion and exclusion of two providers for
We will enter into clinical trials. ”

09H00 – Alemanha confirms increase in cases

Or the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus subiu mais 1,639 for a total of 160,758 infected people, revealed by the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases.

It will register more than 193 deaths, for a total of 6,481.

To Bavaria, or more shaved state with a doença, concentrates more than um
Fourth, two diagnosed cases, 42,489, and 1,850 fatal victims.

Fifth-February, the German authorities will decide to reopen places of worship,
museus and zoological gardens on stringent measures of security and
respecting or social distancing. As conclusions will arise from you
A meeting between chanceler Angela Merkel and the leaders of 16 states

08:30 – China with 12 new cases

To China
recorded 12 cases of infeção pelo novo coronavírus nas las 24
hours, metade originating from abroad, reported leaf to Comissão de Saúde do

Two six new imported cases that were diagnosed, five cases
detected in the eastern city of Xangai and in the province of Fujian, not
Sul, second to the Chinese authorities.

Among the six nova infeções locais, five foras registered in the province of Heilongjiang, not north, on the border with Rússia.

Em Pequim, we will reopen to the public
Pequim parks and museus, including Antiga Cidade Proibida. Tourists must reserve their income
with online precedent and at a reduced price.

To Cidade Proibida, which shelters the imperators
China, which previously allowed 80,000 visitors per day, allows
scarcely 5,000 visitors a day and parks can hardly be visited at
30% gives normal capacity.

08H15 – Governo extends the 17th of May for the landing disembarkation of passageiros de cruzeiros

Governo decided to extend this to 24:00 on May 17 to interdição
do disembarkation and licenses for terra de passageiros e crews of
cruzeiros us portos nacionais, second um dispatch published leaflet em
Diário da República.

Second or diploma, which comes into force at 00:00 on
Saturday, this interdiction “does not apply to national citizens or to
holders of residence authorization in Portugal “, being also
possibility or disembark “in cases excecionais or urgent, through
authorização da autoridade de saúde, just for reasons
humanitarian, of health or for immediate repatriation, sem entry em
National territory”.

Hoje começa “um more determining”, nas palavras dos nossos governantes. April was the fundamental time to control the epidemic, but it will be a time of “Accountability Accountability” in lack of confidence, same as phase.

Or the index of contágio two last five days, rondou os 0.92, referiu or primeiro-minister, in interview à RTP. “I credit that the Portuguese save Portugal” disse António Costa.

Today is also the Day of the Workers and the centers are organized to prepare the celebrations, which, in times of pandemic, will be held.

Only at CGTP will some initiatives be launched, once the UGT will come to commemorate or work on the Internet. A central-union começou aliás a comemorar or dia do trabalhador logo from da
meia-noite, through the online availability of statements from all of you
unions gives central union, and ainda of union structures
Strangers. A ideia é respect the sanitary rules.

In Lisbon, as commemorations of the CGTP will be decorated in the Alameda D. Afonso Henriques, from 15 hours. Sem parades, nem manifestações. As security regs are already established. The participants – a small number of union workers, leaders and delegates – will be separated from three to five meters away.

A denounce two abuses aos direitos two workers in time of pandemic vai ser or nickname. “I fear that you will hear your voice,” he tells the union.

One time that this holiday is prolonged or the end of the week and an increase in temperature is foreseen, or Governo decrees a proibição das deslocações fora do concelho de residência, except in specific cases, for important regress of social distance and a limitation da mobilidade.

Also the National Maritime Authority alerted the population to not frequent the praias. A quarentena continues to be to be fulfilled, in the meantime it is sol to invite to leave home and muitos estão já to oil or treat.

In order not to think too much, I don’t sacrifice, it will be able to lembrar-being that we see lack of confidence very light, já from second-feira. As new foram measures presented ontem primeiro-minister hair.

Or the Governo fez chef
a balance of two twelve months of the epidemic of no coronavirus in Portugal,
which will be completed on Saturday, May 2. It was a positive balance, he concluded,
that allows “to pass from a state of emergency to a state of calamity”.

This new state will take effect from Sunday, May 3.

Or box in Portugal

Second or DGS epidemiological bulletin, published at 1:00 pm on the fifth of February, or the country with the most 540 cases of infection by
Covid-19 e mais 16
Deaths, total num, respectively, of 25,045 cases of infection and 989 deaths.

The number of recovered subiu also for 1,519, more than 49 do eve, with 3,794 cases to await laboratory results.

There were 968 internees, two quais 172 in Intensive Care Units, minus 12 internees and three more in the ICU.

To Registao Norte registava or higher number of deaths (566), followed
da região Centro (198), Lisbon and Vale do Tejo (199), do Algarve (13),
dos Açores (12) and do Alentejo that registered a case.

Or international box

US, nação mais shaved hair novo coronavírus, milhares
de pessoas têm-se joined em protests against o encerramento dos
State. For several occasions, the protesters were confronted by
profissionais de saúde que lhes pediram que fossem for home, so
we will avoid a further propagação da Covid-19.

results of
A clinical trial conducted in the United States will show that patients who
Medicated with Remdesivir will present a faster recovery

O Brazil somava quinta-feira 5,901
Deaths and 85,380 confirmed cases of infeção pela covid-19. Na Amazónia, so many have been so many that no principal cemitério da cidade de Manaus,
Five caixões are buried at one time in the same grave. OR
cenario is so overwhelming that in a short while
caixões. The number of deaths caused by Covid-19 in the region may be seven times greater than or the value officially disclosed.

As Comores will register the first case of infection, São Tomé e Príncipe or first death, not the United Kingdom or Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that it has been ultrapassed or peak of the epidemic in Spain, despite the stabilization of the epidemic and on the eve of the first confinamento, foi canceled a gay pride march, marked for Barcelona between June 25 and 27.

The first time from Fevereiro, he will not register, in Coreia do Sul,
new cases of local transmission.
