Comparative. Portugal is more cautious than other countries to reopen shops, but less so restaurants – Observer


Let us draw some conclusions: Portugal plans to proceed more cautiously with the permit to reopen lojas, but it should be first two countries to reopen restaurants and it will also be able to allow more and less concentration of people on public transport. Outra diferença: só em Espanha is assumed or compromisso com uma data to allow or generalized access to praias (June 8), embora em França foresees that such happens during this month. In Itália and, above all, in Portugal, there are no great tracks.

Spain is “accelerating” also cultural shows for us in the hotel. In Italy it seems that there are more precautions when returning to schools and universities and in relation to reopening of creches. In our two countries, in contrast to what is happening in Portugal and France, it is not a calendar that dates from the reopening of spaces of notorious diversity, such as bars and nightclubs – above all, they are no fake.

There has been a habitually used hair of the Portuguese Prime Minister, in many other circumstances, which applies to the perfection of what Governo intends for the reopening of trade: gradualism. By comparison with what will happen in Spain, Italy and France, in Portugal, the reopening of larger slabs will delay more time and the reopening of commerce will be a four-step escalation.

The rhythm and gradualism of the opening of the trade are only the key factors that differentiate the Portuguese approach from the two other countries.

Imagine four lojas with an area greater than 400 square meters, located in four countries compared. Those lojas in Spain, França and Itália will reopen between May 11 to 18 (to avoid failing in countries such as Alemanha, where a loja is still open). In Portugal, at departure, only at the beginning of June, or if you have less hair for two weeks than two other three countries in comparison, you can do more, we can open more, hair less partially, logo on May 18 and by decisão da autarquia ”. O Governo, porém, só or recommends for or starting the sixth month of the year. Até lá, I just suggested to reopen slabs with até 400 square meters and only tiveram “porta aberta para a rua”. Se não tiverem, he hardly recommends that “parts” of the store (tie 400 m2) reopen on May 18.

Or what this means is: despite Portugal, they have opted for a different strategy used in Italy or France, which is going to raise excellence in order to return to a slower pace of lack of confidence in the most shaved areas due to the pandemic, also in Portugal and possibly less trade, or country returns at different speeds. Palavra às autarquias.
