Bolsonaro said that the social regulation against a pandemic was “useless”


Eu já disse that 70% da população vai ser infected. Hair that seems, hair that we are going to see now, all or determined to flatten the curve is practically useless. Agora, or collateral effect disso: detachment. O povo wanted to go back to work, “he said Bolsonaro, during a video transmission in straight not Facebook.

O social regulation is recommended by the World Health Organization (who), and own hair Ministério da Saúde do Brasil, to face pandemic gives covid-19.

“Everyone knows that as many young people as possible less problems (…) in the case of infeção virus hair. Pessoas abaixo 40 years old, two infected with someone else comorbid, barely around 0.2% is so tragic, “he declared, or head of state.

Contudo, second dice disclosed by Tutela da Saúde brasileira not beginning of the week, 31% two dead not country in decor do novo coronavirus She is less than 60 years old.

“O Brazilian government, from before do carnival, I was alert about questão do coronavirus no Brazil and has taken provisions in this regard. This problem is of interest to all of us. We know what might happen yet, not because Brazil is the fruit of the virus, and we know that, unfortunately, you are very heavy. People regret. Unhappily, é uma realidade “, acrescentou or mandatário.

O minister da Saúde brasileiro, Nelson Teich, criticized the fifth feira a political polarization raised around social isolation as a measure against covid-19, reinforcing that the distance remains as orientation of guardianship.

“Vejo isso [isolamento social] Much more like a political discussion than a social discussion. We will not stop to see or what is going to happen, to understand or what isso represents for a society and we will polarize, it is not going to lead to anything, “he said. Teich, a new press conference in Brasília.

A statement of the Minister was borrowed after being questioned, face to the fact that six thousand deaths were not a country due to a new year. coronavirus, under the protection of the need for maintenance of the social distance or passaria to appeal to a reduction of these measures, according to or defended by the head of State, Jair Bolsonaro.

“Or distance remains as a guideline. We are going to evaluate each place, each region, each city to see how it is going to evolve to a pollution curve, which is the resource that each city has to deal with, or is going to define [o prolongamento do distanciamento social]”, disse or ruler.

A Justiça do estado do Maranhão decretou na quinta-feira ‘lockdown” (total block) in four municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of São Luís, in the ten-day term, to come into force from 05 maio. This foi or primeiro ‘lockdown‘decreed not Brazil, from to chegada da pandemic to or country, not the end of fevereiro.

A decision was made after the arrival of the hospital with a practically depleted hospital capacity.

O Brazil registered more than 435 deaths of people infected novo hair coronavirus e or remembered 7,218 novos infected n the last 24 hours, he reported in the fifth or the Ministry of Health of the country.

From or start da pandemic, or the South American country has accounted for 5,901 deaths e 85,380 confirmed cases of infeção peels covid-19. Contudo, is still to be investigated at a possible ratio of 1,539 deaths com or novo coronavirus.

On a global level, the second balance of news agency AFP, to pandemic of covid-19 já provocou mais de 230 thousand mortos e infetou More than 3.2 milhões de pessoas in 195 countries and territories.

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