Apple loses third place to Xiaomi


The smartphone market faced great challenges this year 2020. In fact, the whole world still faces new challenges and it seems that the worst is yet to come. However, if in the first few months when the pandemic emerged, smartphone sales fell dramatically, the last few months have brought some hope to manufacturers. Samsung, Huawei and Xiaomi are now part of the podium of the companies that sold the most smartphones in the last quarter.

The big surprise is Apple’s drop to fourth place.

The smartphone market undergoes changes: Apple loses third place to Xiaomi

Smartphone sales growth in emerging markets

We have long viewed Samsung as the world's top smartphone seller, followed by Apple. Then came Huawei to shake the waters and Xiaomi that also prevailed in the market. With the COVID-19 pandemic devastating the world, Huawei took advantage of this, grew in China, and globally even stole the place from Samsung, even with the entire market in recession.

However, the last few months have been one of hope. In total, during the third quarter of 2020, 353.6 million smartphones were sold worldwide, contrary to the most pessimistic forecasts. India, as an emerging market, was one of the biggest contributors to this recovery and, also for this reason, we can observe the changes in the table of companies that sold the most.

The smartphone market undergoes changes: Apple loses third place to Xiaomi

In addition to India, Brazil, Indonesia and Russia stand out, showing great growth in terms of smartphone sales.

During this period, distance education and smartphone promotions were the main driver of this sales growth in these countries, mainly. Therefore, we have a higher demand for low-cost models, versus high-end models. A trend that, by the way, had already been verified.

The fall of Apple ... the delay of the iPhone

In developed markets, sales declines were more pronounced in the last quarter, especially with Apple seeing its sales drop.

The smartphone market undergoes changes: Apple loses third place to Xiaomi

The one-month delay in launching the iPhone was crucial to such a break… So today we see Xiaomi overtaking Apple and earning third place in sales. It is almost obvious, considering the sales forecasts for the new iPhone, that in the next three months Apple will again win its place.

The smartphone market undergoes changes: Apple loses third place to Xiaomi

The case of Huawei is also curious to analyze. The company that was in the first place of sales in the world, lost again to Samsung. Despite all the overcoming, the wars with the United States and even with some European countries, have been crucial for the obstacle in the effective growth of the company.
