Americans Who Died In War Are “Losers” And “Fools” According To Trump


In 2018, US President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery and Memorial in Belleau, northern France, and blamed rain for the last-minute decision. “The helicopter could not fly” and the secret services could not take it there, he justified. None of this is true, “The Atlantic” magazine wrote on Thursday. According to four people who were present at the time and who spoke anonymously, Trump feared that his hair would unravel in the rain and did not consider it important to honor the Americans killed in World War I.

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It is full of losers, ”the president said in a conversation with prominent members of his team. In another conversation during the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 Marines who lost their lives at the Battle of Belleau as “fools” because they were killed. In that battle, fought in the forest, the Americans and their allies halted the advance of German forces on Paris in the spring of 1918. However, Trump asked his aides who the “good guys” were in that war and said no. understood why. that the United States intervened alongside the allies.

The “Atlantic” article also addresses the president’s attachment to Senator John McCain, who was imprisoned for more than five years in North Vietnam. “He is not a war hero. I like people who haven’t been captured, ”Trump said in 2015, when he was running for the GOP presidential nomination. McCain was one of the few top Republicans who continued to criticize Trump after he got the nomination. When the senator died in 2018, the president clarified, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the conversation: “We are not going to support the funeral of that loser.”

According to witnesses, quoted anonymous by the magazine, Trump was furious when he saw flags at half mast. “Why the hell are we doing this? The guy was a fucking loser, ”he told his assistants. The White House did not respond to Atlantic requests for comment, but after the article was published, the White House’s director of strategic communications, Alyssa Farah, sent an email to the author of the work. “This report is false. President Trump has the highest respect for the military. Show your dedication to them at all times – by keeping your promise to give our troops a much-needed pay raise, increasing military spending, ratifying crucial reforms for veterans, and supporting military wives. This has no factual support, ”he wrote.

The article ends with information that Trump is obsessed with military parades, but only of a certain kind. At a meeting at the White House to plan such an event in 2018, the president asked his team not to include veterans with war marks, arguing that viewers would feel uncomfortable in the presence of amputees. “Nobody wants to see that,” he declared.
