“A never seen level of contempt”, “insults, profanity and few ideas”, “the worst of all”: the Trump-Biden debate in the world press


“Trump’s taunts and lies add to the chaos in the first debate,” the newspaper “The New York Times” (NYT) writes prominently on its website. As for the inaugural confrontation between the candidates for the US presidency, with elections scheduled for November 3, the US newspaper also highlights that the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, called Republican Donald Trump a “clown”, who is running for his re-election. The tone about the verbal duel this Wednesday morning is agreed in the press of various points on the globe.

Trump’s performance is described as “volcanic” and “full of lies,” and the president resorts to “bulldozer-style tactics” and refuses to “condemn white supremacy,” he adds. The NYT further describes that the two held “a level of acrid disregard for each other never seen in modern American politics.”

The Washington Post (WP) accuses Trump of “plunging the debate into a burning issue.” Biden said the president has made the United States a “more divided” country, while “Trump interrupted him and hurled insults,” he adds. The president’s refusal to condemn white supremacists also deserves to be highlighted in the WP in a “debate marked by racial disputes.” “The dispute crushed a debate that showed substantial differences between Trump and Biden on the nation’s converging crises. The president’s interjections and taunts prompted moderator Chris Wallace to repeatedly ask him to abide by previously agreed rules, ”the Post writes.

Also the Americans “USA Today” and “The Wall Street Journal” (WSJ) adopt a more moderate tone when describing the debate. The WSJ recalls that Biden called Trump “the worst president the United States has ever had” and that Trump claimed to have done more in 47 months as president than Biden in 47 years as senator.

In Spain, “El País” headlines “Chaos and personal attacks mark the first debate between Trump and Biden”, while “El Mundo” highlights two phrases of the dispute: “You are not at all intelligent” (Trump told Biden) and “Won’t you shut up, man?” (Biden told Trump).

In France, “Le Monde” writes that “Trump torpedoes his first debate with Biden” and “Le Figaro” chooses: “Biden resists Trump’s attacks.”

The Italian “Corriere della Sera” does not hesitate to describe it as “the worst debate in history”, with “insults, blasphemies and few ideas”. “La Repubblica” also refers to “repeated insults and interruptions”, highlighting the moment when Trump rejects any trace of intelligence on Biden and calls him a “liar.”

The British “The Guardian” speaks of “chaotic scenes”, “insults” and “good humor”. The Daily Mail writes that “Trump and Biden yell at each other, while the moderator loses control” of the debate.

In China, the Global Times describes the debate as the “epitome of chaos and sharp social division” in the United States. In Russia, for its part, one of the target countries of the first meeting between the candidates, neither the official TASS news agency nor the newspaper “The Moscow Times” have, for now, articles available on the subject.

“Folha de S. Paulo” Headlines “In a chaotic debate, Biden tells Trump to shut up and criticize deforestation in Brazil.” The newspaper “O Globo” also highlights the reference to the country but, instead of “chaotic”, it uses the adjective “aggressive” to clarify the debate.
