“A Christmas Miracle”: Woman gives birth without knowing she was pregnant – Unusual


A young American discovered she was pregnant just half an hour before giving birth, according to the British newspaper Sun. Until then, Ally Opfer had never suspected anything, especially since she had already taken a pregnancy test, which came back negative, and she also had a flat stomach.

It all started on December 21, 2016. Ally, 26, was animator in college and despite feeling some pain before going to another training session, she thought it was due to menstruation and decided to go anyway. But when he returned home, the pains only got worse. Only after almost 48 hours, on December 23, did he agree to go to the doctor. The young woman describes the trip to the hospital as “terrible” with the contractions getting worse and screaming in pain.

“I didn’t even dream that I was pregnant. Yes, my periods were irregular, but they were always like that. I had not gained weight, I did not feel tired or felt any strange movements,” she said. Sun.

Doctors eventually discovered that the young woman’s blood pressure and white blood cell count were dangerously high. At first, they thought she had kidney stones, especially since the doctor on duty alerted her to “a mass,” which scared Ally, who thought it was a disease.

The doctor quickly told her that she was 38 weeks pregnant and had gone into full labor. Little Oliver was finally born by emergency cesarean section and weighed 3,175 kilograms.

“They said I had extremely severe pre-eclampsia. That my blood pressure was so high that I was about to have a heart attack. If I had waited a few more minutes to get to the hospital, I could have died,” he said.

The boy is now four years old. “He made me the happiest mother in the world, and every Christmas is special because of him. But having him in my arms that first Christmas changed my life. It was the best Christmas gift I didn’t know I needed. Oliver was a true Christmas miracle.” , concluded the same publication.
