A BOLA – Experts divided on the case of Palhinha (Sporting)


The ruling of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) raised numerous doubts, multiplied the thesis but left, above all, one question in the air: João Palhinha keeps the five yellow cards and escapes subsequent punishment or, instead, the card Was what was seen in the game with Boavista canceled?

“Currently, for all intents and purposes, the player has four yellow cards. TAD’s arbitration decision canceled the assigned yellow, which is a total aberration under national sports law as we have, for the first time, a court investigating the award of a card in a game. In other words, Palhinha sees Bessa’s fifth yellow card canceled and the next will be the fifth. If the FPF wins the appeal in the future, Palhinha will only play one penalty match without reference to the 4th, 5th or 6th yellow card ”, defends lawyer João Diogo Manteigas, specialist in Sports Law.

However, the lawyer Diogo Soares Loureiro also has a different opinion: «The card was not withdrawn, what did not exist was an automatic sanction resulting from that. However, the yellow card was added to the player, who maintains his score, thus initiating a new series of cards. The Disciplinary Regulation provides for a suspension game after the accumulation of a series of five, nine, twelve and fourteen cards. As I understand it, only when he sees the ninth card will he serve the suspension.

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