Covid-19. The detailed situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world.


Here we follow all the developments on the spread of the new coronavirus on an international scale. The death toll in Portugal increased to 1,063. There are 25,524 confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection. There are more than 20 deaths and 242 more cases compared to Sunday (plus 1% of new confirmed cases). There are currently 1,712 cases recovered in Portugal. There are 813 people hospitalized (43 fewer than yesterday) with Covid-19 in Portugal, of whom 143 are in intensive care (less one case).

More updates

15:51 – The PSA factory in Mangualde resumes its activities on Wednesday

The PSA Peugeot / Citroën Group’s Mangualde Production Center resumes its activities on Wednesday, and production begins on Thursday, subject to a hygiene and safety protocol, according to a statement.

14h57 – Pandemic has already killed more than 247 thousand

The Covid-19 pandemic has killed 247,503 people and infected more than 3.5 million worldwide since it appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December.

According to data from the France Presse agency, based on official data, 247,503 deaths and more than 3,521,600 infected in 195 countries were registered.

14h02 – President of the Republic speaking with RTP

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa spoke again on the subject of May 1. “I always thought it should be celebrated … My idea, I confess, was a symbolic idea as it was on April 25,” he said.

The President of the Republic expected to see a more restrictive celebration on Labor Day, recalling that he insisted that the April 25 ceremony had fewer than 100 people.

With respect to May 13, the President of the Republic says that it is “a good example” and that the Church was right in choosing a more symbolic ceremony.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will meet this Monday with the presidents of the Boards of Directors of the main media. The President recognizes that the economic crisis has important repercussions for the press, radio and television and that the media are essential for democracy.

The head of state also spoke to journalists about the recent phone conversation with his American counterpart, Donald Trump. Marcelo says that the President of the United States wanted to know the reasons for the success in the fight against the pandemic in Portugal.

Another topic of conversation was Trump’s visit, meanwhile postponed, to Portugal. A visit that is postponed indefinitely, among other things because there will be presidential elections in November in the United States and in January in Portugal.

14h01 – Measures that must continue from this “day 1” of the new phase

Graça Freitas remembers that with a visor or mask, there must always be a social distance and we must maintain this discipline, such as hand hygiene, the main vehicle for the spread of the virus. In other words, the General Director of Health recalls that this “Day 1” of the new phase, due to lack of definition, must maintain discipline with the basic care problems that have been taken up to today.

2:00 pm – Portugal is carrying out 41,860 tests per million inhabitants.

When asked about the exact number of tests performed on Saturday and Sunday, the Secretary of State for Health did not give a specific number, but again emphasized the cumulative number of diagnostic tests, noting that 41,860 tests are being performed per million population. .

1:58 PM – Rules are being written for schools

As for schools, the director general of Health says that they are working with the Ministry of Education on the rules for the resumption of classes, both in terms of social distance and in terms of hygiene measures, depending on the level of education. And remember that it is the ministry that will send these rules to the schools.

1:56 pm – The numbers are being refined. “The newsletter is as close to reality as possible”

Graça Freitas says that the cases are being included in the bulletin, after the anomalous situation was detected in the registry, publicly communicated over the weekend. For this reason, the director general of Health says that “the newsletter is as close as possible to reality.”

1:54 p.m. – Donation and transplant with breaks greater than 60 percent

In March and April, transplant activity decreased by 68 percent compared to the same period last year. Organ donation also fell by 60 percent.

The president of the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplants (IPST), Maria Antónia Escoval, explains that the transplant occurred “in situations of urgency and superurgency.” However, he stresses that “there was some activity in donation and transplantation.” “We finished without missing opportunities,” said María Antónia Escoval.

The official also wanted to point out that despite this drop in the last two months, if we analyze the first quarter of 2020, there was an increase, mainly in the donation, in relation to 2019. “These are data that we are very proud of”, said the IPST president

1:52 pm – Marcelo’s criticism of the May 1 celebrations

António Lacerda Sales declined to comment on the statements of the President of the Republic, who said today that he expected a more “symbolic” celebration of Labor Day. The Secretary of State for Health stressed that the health authorities have defined health rules. according to the best evidence

1:46 pm – Collection of plasma from recovered patients begins this month

In late May, a plasma clinical trial of recovered patients (already containing antibodies) should be started to help treat people who are still ill with Covid-19.

The president of the Portuguese Institute of Blood and Transplants (IPST), Maria Antónia Escoval, announced that starting this Monday, all recovered patients may be available to make their plasma donation through the institute’s website.

The IPST has developed a procedure that involves the selection of recovered patients, collection, analysis, processing and subsequent distribution of this plasma.

In addition to the three IPST blood and transplant centers, seven more services in Portuguese hospitals will be involved in this harvest.

Maria Antónia Escoval appealed “to all potential donors who exercise their duty of citizenship towards those who are most vulnerable.”

1:40 pm – More than 450,000 tests have been performed

The Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, highlighted in the regular press conference that the global mortality rate is 4.2% and that those over 70 years of age is 14.9%.

There are 85.9% of cases to follow at home. The hospitalization rate is 3.3%, 0.6% in the intensive care unit and 2.6% in the ward.

Since March 1, around 450,000 Covid-19 diagnostic tests have been carried out in Portugal.

The last day of April was the day with the most tests carried out since the start of the pandemic (16,200 in total). During the month of April, an average of 11,000 tests were performed per day.

There are more than 175 thousand users that have been or are being followed by the Trace Covid platform. The SNS24 psychological advice line has already received more than 200 calls and the help line for the deaf, available since April 21, has already answered 30 people by video call.

The Secretary of State for Health pointed out that, despite the closure, the door must remain “closed” to the virus and that it depends on all the Portuguese.

António Lacerda Sales highlights that this month, in Portugal, the collection of blood plasma from patients recovered from Covid-19 begins.

1:27 pm – The death toll in Portugal rises to 1,063. There are 25,524 confirmed cases

There are more than 20 deaths and 242 more cases compared to Sunday (plus 1% of new confirmed cases).

There are currently 1,712 cases recovered in Portugal. There are 813 people hospitalized (43 fewer than yesterday) with Covid-19 in Portugal, of whom 143 are in intensive care (less one case).

1:24 pm – Mask or visor. What are the differences?

The use of a mask or visor becomes mandatory from today, in commercial spaces or public transport. But experts warn of the differences between these two protection devices.

12:58 – The Sanctuary of Fatima asks pilgrims to avoid traveling

The rector of the Sanctuary of Fatima, Carlos Cabecinhas, asked pilgrims not to visit the site on May 12 and 13.

12:39 pm – May 13. Marcelo highlights “common sense”

“I am the first to feel the lack of Eucharistic, processions, traditional festivals. But that for a greater value: the right to life and health. This applies exactly to May 13,” said the head of state.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa considered that the “ceremonies that the Church chose” to commemorate May 13 “are those that common sense and sanitary measures advise” regarding Covid-19.

11:24 – The Minister of Economy considers that the return scheduled by the Government is cautious

This Monday, Portugal resumes economic activity that was stopped by government order due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A prudent recovery, says Pedro Siza Vieira, since a small deviation or negligence in security measures can compromise an entire effort.

In this reopening, the Minister of Economy, in an interview with Antena 1, talks about the support given to companies for conversion and examples in the production of masks, which will allow Portugal to become an exporter of these products.

And masks are one of the elements that should be part of people’s everyday products.

Pedro Siza Vieira anticipates a different rate of recovery and believes in an increase that will be seen this year, especially in the second half.

The minister also states that the economic recovery in Portugal depends a lot on the trading partners, namely Spain.

11h00 – Costa announces a 10 million euro contribution

Portugal joined the initiative “Global response to Covid-19, Donors Conference”. The Portuguese public and private contribution will be 10 million euros under this initiative promoted by the European Commission.

The amount, 1.55 million from the government and 8.45 million euros from private companies and institutions, is intended to accelerate the development of vaccines and treatments for the disease.

The session on Monday at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation was attended by the Prime Minister, who underlined the efforts of the business community and the Portuguese, in general, to respond to the pandemic.

The Prime Minister called for a greater coordinated effort at the European level.

10:47 – Belgium crosses the 50,000-case barrier

Belgium has exceeded 50,000 cases of Covid-19 infection in the last 24 hours. Another 361 new cases have been reported in the last 24 hours.

There were also 80 deaths, a total of 7,924 deaths since the start of the pandemic in the country.

10:22 am – 164 more dead in Spain

The number of deaths in Spain reached 25,428 this Monday, with 164 more deaths in the last 24 hours.

The number of confirmed cases is now 218,011 since the start of the pandemic.

9:52 – Matosinhos. Lar do Comércio will be evacuated

Lar do Comércio requested the urgent evacuation of its 193 residents on Sunday, after an evaluation carried out by the medical and nursing team that took office last week and whose objective is to provide the institution with medical facilities, similar to those of a unit of health. continuous care

The institutions that will receive residents will be defined during this Monday. Once the evacuation of the Casa de Comercio has been carried out, the work of disinfection, disinfection and reorganization of the space will begin, to be able to receive the residents again with all the security conditions.

9:20 am – More than 10,000 new cases in Russia

In the past 24 hours, 10,581 more cases were recorded, a again very high number after Sunday’s record of 10,633 new cases.

To date, 145,268 cases of infection have been confirmed to date.

In the past 24 hours, there have been another 76 deaths. There are a total of 1,356 deaths in the country since the start of the pandemic.

9h11 – “We are at the beginning of deflation”

The Minister of Agriculture, João Pedro Matos Fernandes, was at the Marquês de Pombal station in Lisbon and positively evaluated the behavior of the Portuguese, after verifying compliance with the masking measures.

8:36 am – The number of cases in Germany grows by 679

The number of confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus in German territory has increased from 679 to 163,175, according to the latest figures from the Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases.

The number of deaths increased in the last 24 hours by 43 (the lowest number since March), to a total of 6,692.

8h29 – The minister reminds that the mask is mandatory in transport

The Minister of Infrastructure was at the Santa Apolónia station to verify compliance with security measures the first day after delivery.

Pedro Nuno Santos is optimistic, underlines the role of the security forces and again warns that the use of a protective mask becomes mandatory on all public transport.

7:43 am – United States with 1450 deaths in 24 hours

The United States recorded 1,450 additional deaths from Covid-19, according to the latest report from Johns Hopkins University.

This balance increases to 67,674 the number of deaths since the beginning of the epidemic in North American territory.

At 8:30 pm Sunday (1:30 am Monday in Lisbon), the University of Baltimore had 1,157,753 infected and 180,152 recovered.

The United States is the country with the most deaths and the most confirmed cases of infection in the world.

The following are Italy (28,884 deaths, more than 210,000 cases), the United Kingdom (28,446 deaths, more than 186,000 cases), Spain (25,264 deaths, more than 217,000 cases) and France (24,895 deaths, more than 168,000 cases))

7:24 am – Marcelo listens to the media

Today the President of the Republic receives, in audience, the presidents of the main groups of means, medium of the country, after listening to the union and the associations that represent the sector about the impact of Covid-19 in the media.

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa begins the afternoon with an audience with RTP, followed by the group Impresa, Media Capital, Cofina, Lusa and Renascença Multimédia.

On Sunday, in a note that marked World Press Freedom Day, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa renewed the call for the State to support the media, considering that it must do so “in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner.”

The President stressed that “without free and plural information, there is no democracy.”

6:50 am – State of play

Portugal is now in a state of calamity. It is a new phase that allows the gradual reopening of the country.

Starting this Monday, stores of up to 200 square meters, hairdressers, barbers, bookstores and stands Of automobiles; they also open public offices, libraries and gardens; The use of a protective mask is mandatory in all commercial spaces.In Madeira, the trade reopens this Monday
a third of the capacity, excluding restoration, which will continue in
takeaway meal regimen. Companies will need to measure the temperature.
workers twice a day. In the Azores, the reopening
It will only happen at the end of the month.

From now on, anyone who does not wear an individual protection mask on public transport will have to pay a fine, the value of which varies between 120 and 350 euros.

The Environment Minister, Matos Fernandes, came to appeal to the civility of people on public transport, and stressed that the inspection will be carried out by elements of the security forces.

As of May 18, the range of commercial spaces that can reopen increases.

Restaurants, cafes and terraces can start operating, but with specific rules. They also reopened museums, monuments, palaces and art galleries.

11th and 12th grade students are also expected to return to face-to-face classes.

Daycare does not return to normal activity until June 1. On the same day, citizen stores, shopping malls, and movie theaters and theaters were also reopened.
The photo in Portugal

Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, has already killed 1,043 people in Portugal. The last epidemiological bulletin of the General Directorate of Health, known on Sunday, recorded another 20 deaths.The number of patients recovered amounts to 1,689.

The case-fatality rate is 4.1 percent and the Northern Region continues to be the most affected.

In total, the new coronavirus infected 25,282 people, of whom 856 are hospitalized. One hundred and forty-four are in intensive care units.

The health minister called for caution on Sunday when reading the figures. Marta Temido noted that, in the 24 hours prior to the bulletin, there had been few medical reports.

In turn, the Director General of Health considered that it was too early to speak of immunity. As for the numbers, Graça Freitas guaranteed that they are as close as possible to reality.
The international framework

Internationally, the Covid-19 pandemic has already caused more than 245,000 deaths and infected more than 3.4 million people in 195 countries and territories.

Brazil has passed the seven thousand dead mark. Altogether, 7025 are the fatal victims of Covid-19. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been more than 100,000 cases of infection with the new coronavirus.

São Paulo remains the most affected Brazilian state, with more than 2,600 deaths.

In the United States, in an interview with Fox News, President Donald Trump said he was confident that a vaccine could be available by the end of this year.

Spain also begins this Monday the first phase of easing measures against Covid-19, with the partial opening of small businesses, such as hairdressers, hairdressers and restaurants, which are now sold in takeaway.World Health Organization came though
declare that the new coronavirus is “naturally occurring”
thus rejecting
which has been developed in a laboratory in China.

According to the “Plan of transition to a new normality”, approved by the Spanish Government, these are measures with little or no risk of contagion. There will be four stages, each lasting approximately two weeks. In other words, the entire process will take a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of eight.

These measures are in addition to others in force since last week, such as the departure of children up to 14 years old and also, from Saturday, that those over that age can leave the house every day within the established deadlines.

Even so, the Pedro Sánchez government will propose to Parliament a two-week extension of the state of emergency, effective as of March 15.
