Comissão Europeia desaconselha viagens para fora da UE até fim do ano


I do not recommend that we consider people as destinations for the EU that we will not be in a very good situation, as for example with a treatment or with an available vaccine, and I do not think that this is the end of the year, “he said in an interview with Agência Lusa, em Bruxelas, to comissária europeia dos Transportes, Adina Ok.

I insist discouraging that “as pessoas pensem [deslocar-se a] Third countries in this phase “, responsible noted that Bruxelas” did not want to return to see Europeans retired “for the EU.

“This is not the beginning of the situation and, for that reason, we are trying to organize various voices to repatriate people who are retired to crowded destinations and who cannot use transport to return,” said Ressalvou. Adina Ok, recommending “caution in this questão”.

From pissed on frameworkThere are strong restrictions on circulation to the external and internal borders of the EU, due to containment measures. gifted Member-hairs to tempt conter a propagação da covid-19.

Second to information made available by the Commission Europeia no seu ‘site’ on a respos ao novo coronavirus, exist at the moment (end of April) limits to international travel in all the countries of the EU, some of which are rarely part of the country or region.

In Portugal, for example, they are prohibited as international travels, but there is some permission to travel to Europe, not only from repatriation, com exceção das ligações a Itália e Espanha.

E relatively to these ações of repatriation, Bruxelas dá conta na mesma page na Internet that I tied the end of April, about 520 thousand European cities have returned to Europe ações organized hairs Member-states.

Já outros 56 thousand will return em voos de repatriation made in or covered by the Mechanism of Protection Civilian EU, not âScope Which Comissão Europeia supports 75% of two costs.

Em 17 of framework Lastly, the heads of state and of the EU government, meeting in videoconference, will agree to the interchange of international tickets “ness essenciais” in the European territory for 30 days, as proposed before the Commission Europeia.

Quase um mês depois, em 08 de April, to Comissão Europeia we invited the Member States to extend this interdiction on maio, or to be maintained.

These travel restrictions apply to all (22) Member States of the EU that are part of Spain. Schengen, but also to Bulgária, Croácia, Cyprus and Roménia, as well as to four associated countries, Isltondia, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, total number of 30 States (to Ireland subject to derogation).

For us, there are no data to lift such restrictions, both at European level and for abroad, but not that it touches international travel to the European Commission. Adina Ok He admitted that this is a “complex situation.”

“On the one hand, we know that there is cooperation and information from the EU on what is happening in each member State, but to resume international travel we would give enough information to travelers [sobre esses destinos] that does not exist exactly, hair that we wanted to depend on third parties “, adiantou a romena Adina Ok à Lusa.

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