More than 235 thousand dead among 3.3 million infected worldwide


The new coronavirus pandemic has killed at least 235,519 people worldwide and has infected 3.3 million since it appeared in December, according to the AFP report at 8 p.m. today, according to official data.

According to data collected by the French news agency, as of 19:00 GMT (20:00 in Lisbon) today, 3,303,510 cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 195 countries and territories since the start of the pandemic.

According to the AFP, this number of diagnosed cases reflects only a fraction of the actual number of infections, since a large number of countries are only testing cases that need hospital treatment. Among these cases, at least 1,003,600 have already been considered cured.

Since the count at 19:00 GMT on Thursday, 3,928 new deaths and 70,199 new cases have been recorded worldwide.

The countries with the most deaths associated with covid-19 are today the United Kingdom, with 739 new deaths, Brazil, with 435, and Spain, with 281.

The United States, which had its first death linked to the new coronavirus in early February, is the most affected country in terms of number of deaths and cases, with 63,127 deaths and 1,082,411 cases. At least 159,633 people were declared cured.

After the United States, the most affected countries are Italy, with 28,236 deaths and 207,428 cases, the United Kingdom, with 27,510 deaths (177,454 cases), Spain, with 24,824 deaths (215,216 cases) and France, with 24,594 deaths (167,346 cases ).

Among the most affected countries, Belgium has the highest number of deaths compared to its population, with 66 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Spain (53), Italy (47), the United Kingdom (41) and France (38)

China (excluding the territories of Hong Kong and Macao), where the epidemic began in late December, in the province of Wuhan, officially represented a total of 82,874 cases (12 new cases between Thursday and today), 4,633 deaths (0 new ) and 77,642 priests.

Europe totaled today at 19:00 GMT (20:00 in Lisbon) 140,096 deaths and 1,495,293 cases, North America – United States and Canada – 66,589 deaths (1,137,191 cases), Latin America and the Caribbean 11,548 deaths (218,824 cases), Asia 8,727 deaths (227,471 cases), Middle East 6,791 deaths (176,715 cases), Africa 1,645 deaths (39,668 cases) and Oceania 118 deaths (8,086 cases).

This evaluation was carried out using data collected by the AFP offices of the competent national authorities and with information from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Portugal today registers 1,007 deaths associated with covid-19, 18 more than on Thursday and 25,351 infected (306 more), according to the epidemiological bulletin published today by the General Directorate of Health.

Compared to Thursday’s data, which recorded 989 deaths, today there was an increase in deaths of 1.8% and, in cases of infection, 1.2%.
