The judge did not accept the medical report and Bolsonaro has 48 hours to present “all exams” to Covid-19.


Jair Bolsonaro has 48 hours to present all the evidence that proves he was not infected with Covid-19. The Brazilian president will have the test at least twice in March and said that both results were negative, although he never showed photos or copies or the originals of the exams.

Judge Ana Lúcia Petri Betto did not accept the medical report presented by the Brazilian president and gave Bolsonaro a period of 48 hours for his delivery to justice. “all exams “ made to test whether or not it was contaminated with Covid-19, the newspaper advances The state of S. Paulo (Estadão).

The decision comes after the Brazilian General Advocacy Office (AGU), the body that defends the Brazilian government in court proceedings, sent a medical report to the São Paulo federal court and not a copy of the exams.

According to AGU do Brasil, the medical report revealed that the Covid-19 tests carried out in March by the country’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, were negative.

But the report was not enough and Bolsonaro has 48 hours to give “compliance with the decision”.

“Considering that the document attached by the accused (medical report, dated 03/18/2020 – id 31571155), does not fully comply with the court order, the federal summons must be renewed with id 31436976 so that, in 48 hours, effective compliance to which it was decided, providing the reports of all the examinations to which His Excellency the President of the Republic for the detection of Covid-19, under penalty of a fine of five thousand reais per day for unjustified omission “, It can be read in the document published by Estadão.

The judge also denied the government’s request to maintain documentary confidentiality about the president’s exams.

In statements to the press, the Brazilian president has already made it known that he feels “violated” for having to make the documents public.

“There is a law that guarantees privacy, and the law applies to everyone. The AGU must have appealed and, if we lose the appeal, it will be filed. Then I will feel violated. The law applies to even the humblest citizen President.”he said this Thursday morning.

The Estadão newspaper was the author of a lawsuit in which it recognized the right to have access to the tests carried out by the head of state. This did not happen, as the AGU only sent a statement about the medical report.

“Medical report issued on March 18, 2020 by the Health Coordination of the Presidency of the Republic, which certifies that the President of the Republic is monitored by the respective medical team, being asymptomatic, he has even performed an examination to detect Covid -19, on March 12 and 17, with said test giving nonreactive (negative) “, reads an AGU statement sent to Estadão.

By accepting the newspaper’s request, the judge assessed that “At the present time of a pandemic that is affecting not only Brazil, but the entire world, the foundations of the Republic cannot be neglected, especially in relation to the duties of information and transparency.”

Several media outlets in the country had already tried to obtain copies of the exams, invoking the access to information law, but the Brazilian government rejected their requests.

The You are He informed that he is trying to obtain the complete petition presented by AGU before the federal justice of São Paulo and the lawyer defending the newspaper, Afranio Affonso Ferreira Neto, evaluated that the AGU demonstration indicates “a confession of disrespect, of breach of the court order”.

This Thursday, the Brazilian president was asked about the matter and stated that he legally has the right not to present the results of his exams.

Brazil registers 7 5,901 deaths and 85,380 confirmed cases of Covid-19 infection, which puts the country’s mortality rate at 6.9%.

Globally, according to a report by the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already claimed more than 227,000 deaths and infected nearly 3.2 million people in 193 countries and territories.

About 908,000 patients were considered cured.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December in Wuhan, a city in central China.
