Russian Prime Minister Infected With Covid-19 | Coronavirus


Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is infected with covid-19. The confirmation was given by the president himself, Vladimir Putin, in a videoconference broadcast on Russian state television.

“I just found out that my coronavirus test result was positive,” said the prime minister. The duties of the prime minister will now be ensured by number two, deputy prime minister Andrei Belousov, while Mikhail Mishustin recovers from the infection in isolation.

Mikhail Mishustin was confirmed by the Russian Parliament as Prime Minister in January, after being elected by President Vladimir Putin. The predecessor in office, Dmitri Medvedev, had resigned days earlier to make room for the President to make constitutional changes. At the time of this appointment, Mikhail was director of the Russian Federal Fiscal Authority.

This confirmation appears on the day. The country officially exceeded 100,000 infections. Russia has more than 1,000 deaths associated with the virus, and the president decided to extend the state of emergency until mid-May.
