Costa and world leaders tell Trump to respect elections after chaos and violence in Washington – The Economic Journal


The world is reacting in shock to the invasion of the Capitol building by Donald Trump supporters to disrupt a session of Congress where Joe Biden’s victory would be certified.

Shots were fired, explosives were found, one person is injured, more than a dozen protesters have already been arrested, congressmen and Vice President Mike Pence have been evacuated in the episodes that took place today in the US capital.

Several world leaders have already reacted to scenes of chaos and violence in one of the main symbols of American democracy, which houses the Senate and Congress in both houses of the country. The message is being very clear from the different governments: Trump has to respect the electoral results and admit the victory of Joe Biden.

The Portuguese prime minister has already revealed his “concern”. “They are disturbing images. The results of the elections must be respected, with a peaceful and orderly transition of power. I trust in the strength of democratic institutions in the United States, ”wrote António Costa on social media.

In the UK, the prime minister described the scenes as an “embarrassment”, and Boris Johnson argued that an orderly and peaceful transfer of power in the United States is “vital”.

In Germany, the Angela Merkel government also asked Trump to accept the election results. “Trump and his supporters must accept the decision of the American voters and stop undermining democracy,” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas was quoted as saying by Reuters.

In France, the government of Emmanuel Macron criticized these episodes. “Violence against American institutions is a serious attack on democracy. The will and vote of the American people must be respected, ”said French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.

From Spain, Pedro Sánchez said he was “worried.” “I trust the strength of American democracy. The new presidency of Joe Biden will overcome this moment of tension, uniting the American people, ”said the Spanish Prime Minister.

From Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was concerned about the situation and that Ottawa is following the situation up to the minute. “I believe that the American democratic institutions are strong and I hope that everything quickly returns to normal.”
