Iran vows “revenge” after the death of a prominent nuclear scientist


The main figures of the Iranian regime promise revenge and demand the punishment of those responsible for the death of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. On Friday, the head of the research and innovation division of the Iranian Defense Ministry, considered the architect of a secret Tehran nuclear program, was assassinated in Absard, east of the Iranian capital.

This Saturday, the Supreme Leader of the country demanded that those responsible for this death be punished. In a sentence, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei asked “that this crime be investigated and, of course, that the perpetrators and those responsible be punished”. He also asked that the “scientific and technical effort of this martyr be continued in all the fields in which he worked.”

For his part, the Iranian president accuses Israel of having acted at the request of the United States in this assassination. “Once again, the ruthless hands of world arrogance, with the usurping Zionist regime as a mercenary, are stained with the blood of a son of this nation.”Hassan Rouhani said, promising that the answer will be given “in due course”.

Rouhani assured that the death of the scientist will not “disturb” the scientific progress of the country, reinforcing that this murder is due to the “weakness and inability” of Tehran’s enemies to prevent the country’s developments.

In the same vein, but with harsher words, the Iranian chief of staff, General Mohammad Bagheri, guaranteed that there will be “a terrible revenge” for the murder of the scientist. “The terrorist groups and those responsible and responsible for this cowardly attack must know that a terrible revenge awaits them”said the official, quoted by the Irna agency.

“Remember this name”

This Saturday, Israeli television advanced that Several Israeli embassies are on maximum security alert following threats of retaliation..

In the past, between 2010 and 2012, at least four Iranian scientists linked to the nuclear program were assassinated, although Tehran has been assuring for several years that it does not intend to develop nuclear weapons and that the program is civilian and only for peaceful purposes. At the time, the various killings were attributed to Israel, which denied the charges.

Fakhrizadeh was a central figure in a presentation by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2018 on Iran’s nuclear intentions. Remember this name. Fakharizadeh “he said at the time.

The death of this official once again generates tensions in the Middle East, at a time when there are only a few weeks left for a US leadership that has adopted a posture of conflict and discord with Tehran for the last four years. Joe Biden, president-elect of the United States, has shown himself willing to return to the agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, signed in 2015 and left by the Trump Administration in 2018. However, the assassination of this official may jeopardize future diplomatic efforts .

Through an accord signed by various world powers five years ago, Iran agreed to reduce nuclear activities, achieving, in return, relief from sanctions. However, since the sanctions were re-established and the “maximum pressure” policy of the current US leadership came into force, the country began to exceed the limits established by the agreement and which had been met until then.
