The director of the funeral home who took the photo of Maradona in the coffin apologizes: “They say they are going to kill me” – International


How the photographs began to circulate on the internet and it generated great indignation, to the point that Maradona’s lawyer threatened lawsuits. Three employees of the funeral home that handled Maradona’s funeral ceremonies took pictures with the body and now one of them is apologizing to the family.

This is Claudio Fernández. He appears in one of the images with his son, Claudio Ismael, and on ‘Radio 10’ he explained what happened. “I have worked with various funeral homes for several years. I do not take photos of the deceased out of respect. But what can I say? We were setting it up, getting it ready to take it and someone says ‘look here’. I looked, “My son is a boy and he raised his thumb. I ask everyone for respect and forgiveness. I did the funeral of Maradona’s father, brother-in-law and I never did anything like that. I never did this to him in life, knowing that he is my idol , I will not do it”. would do in his death. There is no intention. I know many people were offended, I know they were wronged. I’m getting every possible offense, I know it bothered me. But this has never happened before. “He continued:” I received threats. I’m from the neighborhood, everyone knows me. They say they are going to kill me, they are going to break my car, they threaten my children and I am not that type of person. This photo was not taken from my phone, it was taken from another, that’s the worst. I never thought they would post it, pass it on to a group, or make it go viral. I apologize to the Maradona family ”.

Fernández added that he was fired from the funeral home as soon as the photos were made public. “Maradona was an idol for everyone. Mine and everyone’s. What I did was not intentional, neither on my part nor on my son’s. The company called me, they accused me of something I didn’t do. But the company is not your fault. If you see the photo correctly, they called me and I just raised my head, I was accommodating it. My son raised his thumb. Nothing else, it was instantaneous. What I wanted most was to leave it [a Maradona] like an idol, so that everyone could say goodbye to him. “

“My son works with me, we were in the company for seven years. I know they will never be able to put themselves in my place, but I apologize publicly. To the whole world. I apologize to Claudia, Giannina, the entire Maradona family.” , to all. And also the funeral home, which was not to blame for this, “he concluded.
