Mesquita Nunes warns: “Mistake in the Azores compromises survival” of the CDS Adolfo Mesquita Nunes


After ten months of silence on the internal life of the CDS, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes, former Christian Democratic vice president, says that the party made “a strategic and political error” in guaranteeing the right-wing alliance in the Azores and dismantling the thesis that “the right was condemned to an agreement with Chega to govern the Azores ”. And he warns that “the mistake made in the Azores compromises the survival” of the party.

In an article published this Friday in the Observer, Adolfo Mesquita Nunes explains that “it was easy to have subdued Chega and it was perfectly possible to have come to power in the Azores without valuing him (…). It would be enough for parliamentary democracy to work: in time H, Chega would fail the left, making a government of PSD, CDS and PPM inevitable. Could the representative of the Republic reject parliamentary viability? “

Adolfo Mesquita Nunes is the first subscriber to the petition “The clarity that we defend”, published a week ago in PUBLIC, criticizing the “disturbing drift […] nationalist, identitarian, tribal “, which” makes its way between forces of the authoritarian right and conservative, moderate liberal and reformist parties. “

In the text he writes this Friday, entitled “The government that could have been (and the gift that was given)”, the former national leader regrets that PSD and CDS have followed a different strategy. Instead of subjecting Ventura to the dilemma of making the right or the left viable, they gave him the power to choose, condition and lead the narrative. Worse still, they let crystallize the thesis that without Ventura there is no alternative. This thesis cannot stand: Ventura’s power to force PSD and CDS to anything was zero. It was a strategic and political mistake, “he says.

Underlining that “if there had been strategy and will, the right would not be at risk of being defeated by Ventura, since the electorate would never forgive it for making the socialist government viable“, The centrist concludes that” fhe raised strategy or will or both ”. Mesquita Nunes also reveals that if the party had another strategy, Chega would be “relegated and he would be dealing with an internal argument. “MEWe began to pave the way for the construction of a reformist alternative to socialism for the next legislatures. It was the turning point. But it was not here where we went and Chega was elevated to an essential partner for this alternative. It was a strategic and political mistake ”.

Mesquita Nunes does not skimp on the national leadership “not only because it does not bring together the party organs”, but because it considers that the president of the CDS is “increasingly far from the values ​​of the democratic and popular center-right.” And he leaves a warning to Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos: “The threat to the CDS is not in the criticism of an agreement with Chega (…), but in the false friends who never voted for the CDS and insist that the CDS has everything to win in letting Ventura in. in the arc of governance ”.

Arguing that “the country needs a reformist alternative to socialism,” the former Secretary of State for Tourism distances Chega from this solution. “This alternative to socialism, in which I firmly believe, does not depend ideologically on Chega, because Chega is an ally of populists and authoritarians, willingly embracing the Le Pen of this life (…)”, he declares, revealing the recipe of the right of return. turn on. For that to happen, “the right needs a good program, good leadership of an inspiring project, a culture of unity and service, a response of hope for those who are lagging behind and see the world moving forward as well. quickly”.

Adolfo Mesquita Nunes takes the opportunity to publish warnings: “It is a mistake to leave this alternative to socialism in the hands of Chega because it compromises the possibility of a reformist project that solves the problems of all those who have already lost hope and compromises the survival and identity of my broken . That is why the mistake made in the Azores should not be repeated ”.
