Trump TV is back in the news, this time to “rock” Fox | Elections USA 2020


A few months before the 2016 presidential election in the United States of America, when polls seemed to confirm the consensus view that Donald Trump was going to be defeated by Hillary Clinton, a rumor began that the real goal of the real estate mogul’s entry in the world of politics was, after all, the creation of a profitable group of media. Trump, heir to a multi-million dollar fortune, never forgot that it was newspapers and televisions that helped him create the myth of his wealth made from scratch.

His surprising victory in this year’s election spawned news and opinion pieces written on the subject in magazines such as New Yorker and in the most respected newspapers in the country, New York Times is he Washington Post.

But the recent split between Trump and the conservative Fox News channel has brought back rumors that were put aside four years ago, that night Democratic voters began to lag behind when it came to the polls.

Throughout his first term, the President of the United States was one of the stars who most illuminated the morning show Fox & Friends, whose presenters were regularly praised by Trump on his Twitter account. And among the closest advisers to the President of the United States is Sean Hannity, one of Fox News’s best known and most appreciated pioneers among its most ardent supporters.

That close relationship began to unravel less than two weeks ago, already after the November 3 election, when Fox News made a decision that put it in the crosshairs of Donald Trump. Long before any newspaper or television channel that the president of the United States accuses of being his enemy, the conservative and until then faithful Fox News announced the victory of the candidate of the Democratic Party Joe Biden in Arizona, a state that Trump had won by almost four percentage points in the 2016 elections.

It was 11:20 p.m. on the East Coast of the United States, the night of November 3, and Trump’s lead in the vote count in Florida left open the possibility of a re-election, again against the polls. When Fox News declared that Biden would be the winner in Arizona, with only 73% of the votes counted, Trump’s strategy of declaring his victory later that night took a severe blow.

“What followed for President Trump was a night of furious phone calls to Republican governors and ignored advice, prompting him to make a statement in the middle of the night to fuel unsubstantiated accusations about the democratic process,” said the New York Times. “At 2:30 am, Trump said the election was a fraud and demanded that the vote count be stopped until the Supreme Court ruled.”

Days later, in the middle of last week, the site news Axios said that Donald Trump was already fed up with Fox News and that he planned to launch his own channel – the difference compared to 2016, according to Axios, is that this time the project is being thought only for digital, due to the high costs of entry to the American cable.

According to Axios, those closest to Trump say that the president of the United States has a clear objective: “He wants to destroy Fox. There is no doubt about that.”

And it is even known that details of the plan bring millions of viewers to Fox, in particular to the Fox Nation payment service, which charges its subscribers $ 5.99 (five euros) a month. For his project to succeed in the American media landscape, Trump has a gigantic list of email and with the millions of voters who believe, without reservation, that Joe Biden only won because of electoral fraud.

“It is possible that President Trump could cause damage to the Fox brand and keep the most disillusioned viewers off the channel. This is because it is possible that the media of the conservative right, which has long been controlled by Fox, remains fragmented, “said Brian Stelter, CNN center media.

This transfer of viewers is already evident in the growth of channels like Newsmax and OANN, which now occupy the place that Fox News has occupied for four years in the hearts of Trump’s most ardent supporters.

Unlike Fox, who declared Biden’s victory in Arizona and refers to Joe Biden as the president-elect of the United States, Newsmax continues to promote the narrative that the election is not over yet and that Donald Trump has not yet been reelected. . for a second term.

Last Friday, when it was already known that many of the court cases brought by Trump’s election campaign lawyers had been rejected in court, the channel founded by conservative Christopher Ruddy had an average audience of almost 800,000 viewers, among the 16:00 hours. and 20h. Before the November 3 election, the best it could achieve at the same time was an average audience of 100,000 viewers.
