Archaeologists discover drawing of a 2,000-year-old cat in the dunes of Peru


THEPeruvian archaeologists have made another surprising discovery in the famous Lines of Nazcain Peru, which are made up of hundreds of geography – large figures, which become visible. Is about a 37 meter long cat, which will have been drawn between 200 BC. C. and 100 a. C..

According to the Ministry of Culture of Peru, the representation of the feline, made through the excavation of soil and stones, leaving the soil exposed to contrast with the rest zone, “was about to disappear, because it is situated on a very affected by the effects of natural erosion“.

The cat was discovered last week, and archaeologists are now working to preserve the site and its ancient design. The lines, they clarify, are between 30 and 40 centimeters wide.

Johnny Island, archaeologistof Peru, he said, quoted by the agency Efe, who believes that there are more drawings “to discover”, something that is now facilitated by the “use of drones”, which allows the capture of photographs at high altitude.

Minute newsThe lines are between 30 and 40 centimeters wide.© Reproduction Ministry of Culture of Peru

Discovered in 1927 and recognized as a World Heritage Site The UNESCO since 1994, the Nazca, more than two thousand years old, are representations of figures of different complexities, ranging from simple lines to images of animals and plants, in the desert of Nazca, in Peru, 400 kilometers south of Lima. As you can see in the gallery above, it was already found. geography of various types, many with zoomorphic, like monkeys, birds, or even an orca.

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