More and more series and films ‘rotate’ in Braga


In the last two years, Braga has been a ‘set’ for the realization of cinematographic productions.

In 2018, the production Conselhos da Noite, by Braga director José Oliveira, began shooting in the city (and in some surrounding parishes). Tiago Aldeia, immortalized in the collective memory as ‘Rodas’, from the children’s and youth series Morangos com Açúcar, is the protagonist, showing various well-known places in the city.

In 2020, there were two television series that took place in Braga. First, the series Vento Norte, with a luxury cast, directed by Almeno Gonçalves. This Saturday finished the recording of a new series, Unknown Soldier, whose main role will be Diogo Morgado.

Altino Bessa, councilor of the Braga Chamber with responsibility for Tourism, told O MINHO that the support for these productions has been a “strong” commitment by the Braga Chamber, in order to spread the local heritage and bring reinforcement culture to the city at the level of the seventh art, especially because Braga wants to be the European Capital of Culture in 2027, being able to raise 25 million euros for this purpose.

“The Chamber has supported the film industry since 2018, when it had its first contact to support a film called Conselhos da Noite, with Tiago Aldeia, in which more than 90% of the film was shot and recorded in Braga,” explains the councilor .

Tips of the night

In this film, Braga “ends up having this relevance, because there are several well-known places,” says Bessa. “It was the first feature film and now it is shown.”

The director, José Oliveira, is from Braga, and this was a “possibility to give an opportunity to filmmakers and young people who want to work in this cinematographic area, in addition to allowing local characters to play roles, such as Adolfo Luxúria Canibal, various elements of CTB and anonymous characters from the city who participated in the film ”.

Conselhos da Noite appeared at Theatro Circo and from there he went to the cinema. It is still exhibited in Braga Parque.

Team of the film Conselhos da Noite with councilor Altino Bessa, in Braga. Photo: Disclosure / CM Braga

North wind

“Braga had never made that bet, and from then on the opportunity arose to bring the RTP Vento Norte series, a fictitious historical series that portrays the time between 1916 and 1926, where it captures the end of the First World War and all the controversial period of the end of the Republic and that ends with the beginning of the coup d’état of May 28, 1926 of Gomes da Costa, who left here in Braga ”, says Altino Bessa.

Almeno Gonçalves interprets the historical series Vento Norte. Photo: DR

Filming of the Vento Norte series in Braga. Photo: DR

Production prepares scenography in the museums of Braga for the filming of the series Vento Norte. Photo: DR

This 10-episode series will air on RTP in February and, if successful, can continue with new seasons recreated beginning in 1926. It all depends on the audience.

Unknown Soldier

However, it seems that a new project was registered in Braga, this time about an unknown soldier, Fernão Magalhães, who returns from a trip to Goa in the 16th century (16).

“Its protagonist is Diogo Morgado, who is a well-known and recognized actor who made international films and series, and the Chamber also accepted the request to be part of the filming in Braga, in the Tibães Monastery, because we are talking about the 16th century and It is not easy to find suitable scenarios that take us back to the time in question ”, explained the councilor.

Filming took place in the monastery for ten days, ending this Saturday. There will also be filming in the Gerês area and in Lisbon until production is complete. Previously, it passed through Águeda and Vila do Conde.

“Taking Braga to the world”

“The objective, above all, is for Braga to be known in various sectors: tourism, heritage, culture.” The councilor recalls the different cultural aspects such as the Theatro Circo or gnration, in addition to the Altice Forum, which hosts various cultural shows, but emphasizes that there was no custom of filming in Braga.

“The cinematographic components have another advantage, because it takes the image of the city far and to different audiences, and that has never been done, feature films or series have never been shot in Braga”, Altino Bessa reinforced.
