A 25-year-old boy reinfected with Covid-19 develops more severe symptoms than the first time


A 25-year-old American man tested positive for Covid-19 twice, having developed more severe symptoms the second time, reveals a case study published in the scientific journal. The lancet.

The patient was diagnosed with the new coronavirus on April 18, 2020, for the first time. On June 5 of the same year, just two months later, he tested positive again. The genetic analysis of the virus showed significant differences between the “variant” associated with the infection recorded in each case.

The American had viral symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, headache, nausea and diarrhea the first time he contracted the virus. He started to feel bad in late March, but it wasn’t until April that he was tested. After the negative diagnosis, the patient repeated the test twice during the month of May and the results appeared to be encouraging.

But in early June, the young man returned to the emergency room with the same symptoms and five days later he was short of breath and had low oxygen levels in his blood. He developed pneumonia and needed ventilation. He tested positive for Covid-19 again.

This is the fifth known case of coronavirus reinfection in the world so far. The US patient thus joins others registered in Belgium, Hong Kong, Holland and Ecuador, the only one who, like the American, developed more severe symptoms the second time.
