Carlos Acutis is Blessed: “Today the sky is closer”


“We grant that the Venerable Servant of God Carlos Acutis, a layman, who with the enthusiasm of his youth cultivated friendship with the Lord Jesus, will henceforth be called Blessed and that it be celebrated each year on October 12, the day of his birth. to heaven ”: this was the formula read by Cardinal Vallini, who presided over the beatification mass of Carlos Acutis.


Not even the pandemic and its restrictions managed to overshadow one of the most anticipated ecclesial events of this year: the beatification of Carlos Acutis.

The Upper Basilica of San Francisco, in Assisi, could hold a few hundred people, but the mass was followed live on screens installed outside the church and by millions of believers around the world through social networks.

At the beginning, in the presence of the parents – Andrea and Antonia – and two brothers of the young man, a brief biography of the new Blessed and the President of the celebration and Pontifical Representative – Cardinal-Vicar of the Pope for the Diocese of Rome, Agostino Vallini, was read. – read the letter of Pope Francis with the beatification formula:

“We grant that the Venerable Servant of God Carlo Acutis, a layman, who, with the enthusiasm of his youth, cultivated friendship with the Lord Jesus, placing the Eucharist and the witness of charity at the center of his own life, henceforth call Blessed and that it be celebrated every year in the places and according to the rules established by law, on October 12, the day of his birth in heaven.

Prayer and mission

Then, to warm applause, the image of the blessed was revealed, as a relic was carried in procession to the altar.

In his homily, Cardinal Vallini reflected on the moments of a short but intense existence.

“The question arises spontaneously: what was special about this young man of only fifteen? He had a gift for attracting and was seen as an example. Since he was a child he felt the need for faith and his eyes turned to Jesus, ”said the cardinal.

Jesus was a friend, teacher and savior to him, he was the force of his life and the purpose of everything he did, even on the Internet.

“Prayer and mission: these are the two distinctive features of the heroic faith of Blessed Carlos Acutis, which in the course of his short life led him to entrust himself to the Lord in all circumstances, especially in the most difficult moments.”

The new Blessed also represents a model of strength, alien to any form of pact, aware that, to remain in the love of Jesus, it is necessary to live the Gospel in a concrete way (cf. Jn 15:10), even at the cost of go against. tide.

His life is a model particularly for young people, not only to find gratification in fleeting successes, but in the perennial values ​​that Jesus suggests in the Gospel.

Acutis testified that faith does not take us away from life, but rather immerses us more in it, showing us the concrete way to live the joy of the Gospel. It is up to us to follow him, attracted by the fascinating experience of Blessed Charles, so that our life shines with light and hope ”, concluded the cardinal.

Today the sky is closer

The Archbishop of Assisi-Nocera Umbra – Gualdo, Dom Domenico Sorrentino, took the floor at the end of the mass for a series of thanks and declared:

“Today the sky is closer. That Eucharistic “path” that Carlos loved to travel quickly to get to Heaven, today he traveled in the opposite direction to return to us with a radiant face of happiness, and to do so, also through the worship of the Church, our intercessor. and our model of life. “

Announcement of an international award

His remains rest in the Sanctuary of Despojamento, where the young Francisco expressed in the arms of Bishop Guido the radical nature of his choice of God.

In this sanctuary, Don Sorrentino said, “for a special purpose of Providence, Francisco and Carlo are now inseparable”.

The archbishop then announced a “charitable initiative that aims to stimulate the renewal of the economy itself.”

“Today the ‘Francisco de Assis and Carlos Acutis International Prize for Economy in Fraternity’ starts. It is our first, small but generous response to the Encyclical ‘Fratelli tutti’ that Pope Francis signed exactly one week ago in this place for free. . “
